Lemon diet to lose up to 9 pounds in one week with the lemonade menu

Lemon diet to lose 9 pounds lemonade menu

The lemon diet to lose up to 9 pounds in one week with a fat-burning menu, lemon has slimming properties, speeds up metabolism, and combats water retention. The lemon diet can work, lasting 7 days, it involves a low-calorie dietary regimen, leveraging the properties of lemon to help you lose up to 9 pounds, but don't expect generous portions. To lose weight quickly, it is possible to follow a short-term diet like this, making sacrifices and fully utilizing the fat-burning potential of certain foods, such as lemon precisely, but let's see why it can truly work and the sample menu. (more…)

How to boost metabolism after age 40

how to boost basal metabolism after age 40

How to boost metabolism after 40 years? To boost slow basal metabolism to a fast rate after age 40, you need to consume more calories. This means that the basal metabolism, which is normally equal to 70% of daily energy expenditure, needs to speed up and consume more. Basal metabolism is the minimum calorie consumption required to maintain vital functions and wakefulness. To boost basal metabolism and stay in shape even after age 40, you will need to increase your daily activities. (more…)

Balanced vegan diet with a sample weekly menu

balanced vegan diet weekly menu example

The vegan diet is a type of diet created in defense of animals and in favor of a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Let's see what a balanced vegan diet consists of. Many have expressed opinions for or against the vegan diet without knowing anything about nutrition, as few people actually know that a vegan diet can be balanced just like any other diet. In this article, you will find a balanced vegan diet with an example of a weekly vegan menu for adult individuals who have a normal weight and do not need to lose kilograms or engage in sports activities. (more…)

Diet for diabetics with low glycemic index foods

diet for diabetics and low glycemic index foods

The ideal diet for diabetics functions as a diet therapy, thanks to the consumption of low glycemic index foods, the patient feels better. More than 4.9% of the population is affected by diabetes mellitus, especially people over 60, according to WHO there are 346 million in the world. Of these people, 90% have type 2 diabetes, which can be treated with medication and diet, by choosing a diet with low glycemic index foods for a healthy diet. Here's how to follow a diet for diabetics and which foods to choose to lower blood sugar. (more…)

How to slim down your belly with exercises and diet to get a flat belly quickly

how to lose belly fat exercices and diet

Slimming down your belly quickly is impossible without exercise, take a minute of resignation and let's move on. The diet to lose belly fat quickly should consist only of healthy and light foods, therefore low in calories, and then rich in proteins and fibers, so as to stay full for a long time and support the muscles in physical effort. This guide gives you the ultimate answer on how to lose belly fat with exercises and diet, so what you will read is what you need to get the flat belly of your dreams, all you have to do is apply this method to lose belly fat, with a combination of exercises and diet. Here's how to slim your belly down and avoid taking on an "apple" shape and have a flat belly to be leaner and healthier. (more…)

Dissociated Diet: Example menu with recipes, Schedule, and Table

dissociated diet table scheme

The dissociated diet is an example of controlled nutrition that involves consuming dishes resulting from a pattern of food combinations. Many people try the typical menu of the dissociated diet to improve their well-being through the exclusive consumption of 'correct' food associations. The good and bad combinations of various foods are illustrated in the Dissociated Diet Table, which highlights all the variables. After delving into the topic of the dissociated diet with menu, pattern, and table, it will be easy to discover the recipes we can use to follow the diet. (more…)

Fattening Diet for Men with Sample Menu to gain weight

fattening man diet example and menu to get fat

We talk about a fattening diet for men, it sounds strange because usually you want to lose weight, but there are many men who need a few more lbs. There are different diets to gain weight, some for men, others for women, in this article you will find a sample fattening menu for a man. Men have different needs than women: the male physique consumes more calories, it needs nutrients and vitamins in different doses. The fattening diet is useful for a man who wants to have a more solid appearance in order to later devote himself to increasing muscle mass. Being underweight for a man is as serious as obesity, let's see the fattening diet for men with sample menus to gain weight easily. (more…)

1400 Calorie Diet: Example Weekly Menu

1400 calorie diet weekly menu example

The 1400 calorie diet is designed for weight loss for those who work full-time or engage in a lot of physical activity throughout the day, therefore not recommended for the lazy and sedentary. This rich diet is the advantage for those who don't make excuses during the day and consistently dedicate themselves to physical activity. However, even if you move a lot and eat the same amount, you still won't achieve the body of your dreams. Achieving your ideal weight with the 1400 calorie diet is very simple; it all depends on the choice of healthy and fresh foods, structured in a balanced and well-rounded meal plan to ensure nothing is missing. It could be called a 1400 calorie diet with few sacrifices, as giving up junk food is enough to get back in shape. (more…)

Noemi’s diet: lose 6 lbs per month with the META diet and Tabata method

noemi diet to lose 33 lbs meta and tabata method

Noemi's diet has been in high demand since the Italian singer appeared at the Sanremo Festival 2021 with an impressive weight loss of 33 lbs and a toned, healthy physique. Noemi's nutritionist immediately revealed what Noemi's secret was for losing weight and staying in shape despite her busy schedule and without giving up her favorite dishes: credit goes to the META diet and the Tabata method. The singer Noemi lost an average of 6 lbs per month by following the META diet and Tabata method, ultimately losing 33 lbs and regaining her confidence by accepting her body. Let's take a look at an example of Noemi's META diet, what the Tabata method is, and how it is possible to lose 6 lbs per month to achieve a lean, healthy, and toned physique. (more…)

Gastritis diet: what to eat and foods to avoid to fight gastritis

gastritis diet what to eat foods to avoid

Gastritis is an inflammatory condition of the stomach that can cause pain and discomfort. To alleviate symptoms and prevent pain, it is important to follow a gastritis diet that includes recommended foods and foods to avoid. The gastritis diet should be targeted to alleviate symptoms and prevent acute, chronic, nervous, or erosive forms. What to eat with gastritis? What are the foods to avoid with gastritis? If you are not familiar with the right foods to consume, it becomes more difficult to recover from acute pain and there is a risk of not adequately nourishing the body. Here are therefore the recommendations for a gastritis diet and the foods to avoid to feel better immediately. (more…)