The vegan diet is a type of diet created in defense of animals and in favor of a healthier and more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Let’s see what a balanced vegan diet consists of. Many have expressed opinions for or against the vegan diet without knowing anything about nutrition, as few people actually know that a vegan diet can be balanced just like any other diet. In this article, you will find a balanced vegan diet with an example of a weekly vegan menu for adult individuals who have a normal weight and do not need to lose kilograms or engage in sports activities.

balanced vegan diet weekly menu example

Balanced Vegan Diet

A vegan diet can be balanced like any other diet, but beware of those who say it’s easy. We have all learned how to prepare delicious and balanced dishes in all their variations. We are omnivores, consuming meat, fish, animal milk and derivatives, eggs, honey, grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and mushrooms. However, some of us are vegans or vegetarians. Let’s first distinguish between vegetarians and vegans to clarify things, and then we’ll address the topic of a balanced vegan diet to understand how to structure a balanced diet using only plant-based foods.


  • WHAT DO VEGETARIANS EAT? Vegetarians do not eat meat and fish, but they consume all other available foods, including eggs, milk, cheese from animal sources, and honey.
  • WHAT DO VEGANS EAT? Vegans only eat grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and mushrooms, excluding fish, meat, animal milk, eggs, or any animal-derived products.

A balanced vegan diet is possible if you follow these two actions daily:

  • Calculate the proper macronutrient balance based on your needs and the available foods. Firstly, you need to be aware of your calorie requirements, the percentage of lean body mass, and the grams of protein necessary. Additionally, you need to know all the plant-based protein sources from which you can derive your daily protein intake without exceeding with carbohydrates. Legumes, for example, are an important protein source for vegans, but they also contain a considerable amount of carbohydrates. It is essential to be mindful of balancing these two macronutrients. Seeds and nuts also provide a decent amount of protein, but they are rich in fats and should be consumed in moderation to avoid weight gain.
  • Familiarize yourself with and include in your diet the foods that provide the necessary vitamins to maintain good health. Many vegans become vegans without worrying about potential vitamin deficiencies until they experience discomfort. It’s important to be aware that our bodies do not produce all the vitamins necessary for good health on their own. Some vitamins need to be obtained from the diet, which is why it is recommended to regularly consume a variety of fruits and vegetables of different types and colors, ensuring that our bodies receive all the vitamins and their benefits.

A balanced vegan diet is not recommended for DIY (do-it-yourself) approaches. Like all diets, the vegan diet also carries risks. If managed poorly or not carefully planned, it’s very easy to experience the discomforts of nutritional deficiencies in these cases. We advise you to consult a nutritionist specialized in vegan nutrition before embarking on this journey with a smile.

Balanced Vegan Diet: Protein Sources for Vegans

The proteins consumed by vegans are plant-based proteins. We primarily refer to legumes, with soy being the top choice. However, proteins can also be found in other plant-based foods such as grains or certain leafy green vegetables like spinach, as well as seeds and nuts. Here is a list indicating the protein content per 100g of the mentioned food as a source of plant-based protein. These are the best proteins that vegans consume in a balanced vegan diet:

PROTEIN FOODSPROTEIN in grams per 100 grams
Hemp Seeds32
Chia Seeds17
Cooked Spinach6
Broad Beans20
Pine Nuts31
Plant Milk3
Nori Seaweed6
Spirulina Algae57
Lupini Beans36

You can develop your vegan diet starting from protein, if you don’t engage in physical activity you need 0.8g of protein per kilogram of your body, so you can calculate how much protein you need. Add a small percentage of fats, around 15-20%, and the remaining of your calorie intake should be composed of carbohydrates, the primary source of energy for the body. We’ll give you an example of a weekly vegan diet to give you a clearer idea of what to eat.

Example of Vegan Diet with Weekly Menu

The balanced vegan diet is our goal; one can nourish oneself properly even without eating animal-derived foods. We propose an example of a vegan diet with a weekly menu. Please remember that the following diet is just an example and should not be followed strictly. To undertake a balanced vegan diet based on one’s own needs, it is necessary to consult an expert nutritionist.

The example of a weekly menu diet we propose below is ideal for those who want to follow a balanced vegan diet:

  • BREAKFAST, here are some examples of breakfast options:
    • 1 glass of fresh fruit juice or 1 herbal tea + 1 cup of plant-based milk + a few vegan biscuits
    • 1 cup of plant-based milk + 1 vegan croissant + 1 small fruit
    • vegan protein pancakes + maple syrup + fresh fruit salad
    • vegan protein pancakes + peanut butter
    • 1 cup of plant-based milk + vegan cereal + 1 fruit
  • LUNCH, here are some examples of lunch options:
    • orecchiette pasta with turnip tops
    • tomato and basil pasta
    • couscous with assorted vegetables
    • pumpkin risotto
    • cold pasta with tofu, basil, and cherry tomatoes
    • spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino (garlic, oil, and chili)
    • spring rolls
  • DINNER, here are some examples of dinner options:
    • mini vegan burgers + mixed vegetable side dish with various cooking methods (e.g., steamed carrots, grilled zucchini, sautéed kale) + bread or grains
    • seitan + mixed vegetable side dish with various cooking methods + bread or grains
    • vegetable meatballs + mixed vegetable side dish with various cooking methods + bread or grains
    • lentil loaf + mixed vegetable side dish with various cooking methods + bread or grains
    • quinoa and bulgur tomato burgers + mixed vegetable side dish with various cooking methods + bread or grains
  • SNACKS, here are some examples of snack options:
    • fresh fruit
    • vegan pudding
    • toast with jam
    • vegan energy bar

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.