Fast diet to lose 11 lb in one month with a weekly menu that will help you, if followed correctly, to quickly lose 11 lb in just one month. This fast diet that will make you lose 11 lb is different from the usual diets, as it allows us to eat dark chocolate every evening, but when have you ever heard of that? Here’s how losing 11 lb in one month is not impossible at all, in fact, on average, we should be able to lose from 1.1 lb up to over 2 pounds per week. So here is the fast diet to lose 11 lb in one month (at least) with specific nutritional advice that will get us in shape for the beach.

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diet to lose 11 lb in a month

Fast diet to lose 11 lb, with a weekly menu

The fast diet to lose 11 lb is a fast and healthy diet that everyone can start doing as early as tomorrow or right now with what is in the refrigerator. Here we present the fast diet with a weekly menu, day by day what to eat to lose 11 lb in one week. But later on, we will go into detail to explain how and provide all the necessary information to keep in mind in order to continue the fast diet to lose 11 lb in one month even without a menu dictating the meal rules.

Monday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the first day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: Mixed salad (carrots, fennel, and green beans) with sauce of your choice, 1 whole grain sandwich
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: Bucatini pasta with fish ragout
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Tuesday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the second day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: Grilled mixed vegetables with 1 whole grain sandwich
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes and beef skewers with oregano
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Wednesday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the third day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: 3 oz of bresaola with lemon, unlimited raw vegetables with sauce of your choice
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: Vegetable soup with star-shaped pasta
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Thursday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the fourth day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: 1 marinara pizza (tomato and oregano, with a little oil)
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: 1 whole grain sandwich and swordfish Messina-style
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Friday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the fifth day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: 1 sandwich with 2.9 oz of lean raw ham
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: 2 boiled potatoes, omelette with zucchini and champignon mushrooms
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Saturday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the sixth day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh squeezed juice
  • Lunch: 100 g (3.5 oz) of cottage cheese with unlimited raw vegetables and sauce of your choice
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: Rice with asparagus
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Sunday: WEEKLY MENU Fast Diet to Lose 11 lbs

On the seventh day of the fast diet to lose 11 lbs in a month, you can follow this healthy and fast diet:

  • Breakfast: Coffee or tea with sweetener, 1 glass of low-fat milk with 2 biscuits
  • Mid-morning: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fresh-squeezed juice
  • Lunch: A bowl of vegetable soup without legumes
  • Snack: 1 low-fat yogurt or 1 fruit
  • Dinner: Pasta with lentils
  • After-dinner: 1 square of dark chocolate

Fast diet to quickly lose 11 lb: Nutritional tips

Normally, one loses between 1.1 lb and 2.2 lb per week, but if we recently indulged in a binge, it will be easier to follow the fast diet to lose 11 lb and achieve it in less than a month. When we binge, we bloat with water and fat that has not yet found a long-term place, so it’s easier to get rid of them. Here are some nutritional tips to follow during the fast diet for a month and even afterwards.

Diversify the foods in the Fast and Healthy Diet

One tip for the diet to quickly lose 11 lb in a month and following a healthy diet is to always vary the foods to be cooked strictly by steaming, grilling, or boiling.

Avoid fatty and fried foods in the Fast and Healthy Diet

An essential thing in the fast diet to lose 11 lb is to avoid fried foods as if our entire dietary journey depended precisely on them, and upon reflection, it is true.

During this month of fast diet to lose 11 lb, it is advisable to avoid all foods high in bad fats, namely saturated fats. This type of fat is mainly found in foods such as deli meats, red meats, but also pork, or in cheeses, butter, cream. However, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese on pasta for lunch is allowed, it is part of our culture, of being Italian, and we don’t even give it up when deciding to lose weight. After all, the secret of an effective fast diet is precisely this, knowing how to control the quantities and losing weight by eating even the foods that, in large quantities, would sabotage the fast diet in an instant.

Moderate salt intake – Fast and Healthy Diet to lose 11 lb

Along with Parmesan cheese, salt is also allowed (fortunately!), but in moderation. Salt contains sodium, which is very important for our body. Considering that most of the foods we consume are already rich in sodium or salt, we can use it sparingly when adding it to the preparation of lunch or dinner.

Stay active – Fast and healthy diet to lose 11 pounds

Some may not like to hear it, but engaging in physical activity during the fast diet to lose 11 pounds in a month helps maximize the benefits of our journey. When we decide to lose weight with a fast diet, we tend to feel more tired. This side effect disappears quickly if we keep ourselves consistently active. It doesn’t require a Herculean effort, mind you: 30 minutes of walking (after meals), a quick 7-minute workout in the living room, or 3 consecutive minutes of jumping rope, and you’re good to go! Repeat this three times a week.

Lose weight by eating carbohydrates – Fast and healthy diet

The one-month fast diet won’t leave you completely deprived. In fact, bread, pasta, rice, whole foods, and yogurt are included in the meal plan! What is the common element among all the foods mentioned earlier (except yogurt)? They are all rich in carbohydrates and complex sugars, molecules that are essential for our bodies to create glucose, the substance we essentially nourish ourselves with. Going without carbohydrates for a whole month would make us feel unwell, really unwell, and that’s not the case at all. So, pasta for everyone, just remember to be mindful of the portions!

Vegetables and fruits always on the table – Fast and healthy diet

Pairing vegetables of the season with carbohydrates and dressing them only at the end with raw extra virgin olive oil maximizes the effectiveness of a fast and healthy diet. Vegetables and fruits are the primary sources of vitamins and minerals, so we should never miss out on these two elements at the table.

Dark chocolate can be included – Fast and healthy diet

Once, a nutritionist said that it’s fine to have a square of dark chocolate after dinner, especially since it makes us drink more, and drinking plenty of water is the first thing we should do to take care of our bodies. In the menu to lose 11 pounds in a month, a square of dark chocolate is included every evening. However, if we don’t feel like having dark chocolate every evening, we can set it aside and have it whenever we crave something sweet.

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas – Fast and healthy diet

We are a lovely mixture of cells (30%) and water (70%), which is why we cannot go without drinking plenty of water and herbal teas because we are made of them. Drinking herbal teas, which many ironically call “hot water,” helps dissolve the stubborn fat that doesn’t want to let go of us and leave us forever. One thing not everyone knows is that it is recommended to drink a nice glass of cold water after every herbal tea. “Hot water” softens the adipose tissue, detaching it from the body’s walls, while cold water flushes it away. This action will yield good and rather fast results.

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.