We talk about a fattening diet for men, it sounds strange because usually you want to lose weight, but there are many men who need a few more lbs. There are different diets to gain weight, some for men, others for women, in this article you will find a sample fattening menu for a man. Men have different needs than women: the male physique consumes more calories, it needs nutrients and vitamins in different doses. The fattening diet is useful for a man who wants to have a more solid appearance in order to later devote himself to increasing muscle mass. Being underweight for a man is as serious as obesity, let’s see the fattening diet for men with sample menus to gain weight easily.

Fatting Diet for Men: Who Wants to gain weight?
Fattening diet, does it sound strange? Yet there are as many men who want to gain weight as there are who want to lose weight, and the reasons are the same: they want to improve their physical appearance and health. The goal of the fattening diet for men is to gain weight by eating more but healthy, that is, following a healthy fattening diet for men.
If a man is too thin or too fat there is certainly also a problem in nutrition, in both cases the goal is to find a balance to be fit and healthy by eating healthy.
The example menu of the Fattening Diet is for Men, not good for women, as there are different types of diets to put weight on men and women. This difference arises as the extra weight to accumulate depends on one’s physical characteristics, one’s nutritional needs, the daily activity performed, the basal metabolic rate and so on. So, let’s see in detail the sample menu of the diet to gain weight designed for a man.
Example menu 3500 calories fattening diet for men, recommended foods for gaining weight
According to nutritionists, the following foods must be included in the fattening menu to gain weight in a healthy way:
- bread or pasta with every meal.
- meat or fish or eggs or legumes 1 or 2 times a day.
- dairy products 1 time per day.
- fruit and vegetables: 5 servings a day.
- 1.5 / 2 US quart of water per day.
So let’s see a 3500 calorie fattening menu for men.
Example menu 3500 calorie fattening diet for men: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks
Men’s 3500 Calories Fattening Diet Example – Men’s fattening menu sample, the 3500 calories men’s fattening diet:
- BREAKFAST: 1 sweetened espresso + 5⅓ oz of durum wheat bread + 1¾ oz of jam
- MORNING SNACK: 7 oz Apple + ¾ oz roasted peanuts
- LUNCH: 5⅓ oz wholemeal pasta + 1¾ oz grated Parmesan cheese + 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil + 7 oz salad tomatoes + 5⅓ grilled or baked salmon steak + 7 oz green leaf lettuce dressed with oil, salt and vinegar. To drink in addition to water: 1 cup of Coca Cola.
- AFTERNOON SNACK: 100 g Dark chocolate + 10⅔ oz Semi-skimmed milk.
- DINNER: 6⅓ oz Durum wheat bread + 10⅔ oz Green beans + 7 oz Turkey breast seasoned with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil + 1¾ kiwi.
Does it seem too much? Find out how much to eat more according to your personal needs, below a formula helps you to understand how many calories you need to gain weight gradually and in a healthy way.
Fattening Diet for Men: How Much More to Eat to gain weight?
A man who wants to gain weight can eat 500 calories more than he needs for basal metabolic rate, normal daily activities and exercise. There is a formula that helps define how much more a man must eat to gain weight and it is the BMR formula that calculates the calories needed to maintain one’s body weight to which the fattening caloric surplus must be added. 500 calories are added to the BMR value in kcal for a man to have a gradual and progressive increase in body weight. You can even add 1000 extra calories per day to gain weight much faster.
Calculate the BMR or Basal Metabolism Rate
The formula for calculating BMR in men i.e. basal metabolic rate is: BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) – (5.677 x age in years).
The result of the formula is multiplied by the activity coefficient (they are listed below). The product is the value of the basal metabolism, it indicates how many calories are needed to maintain the body weight unchanged.
We will add 500 or 1000 calories to the BMR to definitively know how much a man must eat to gain weight with the diet.
Example: How many calories does an underweight man need to eat to follow the weight loss diet?
Example of a 45 year old, 170cm tall, 65kg man: 88.362 + (13.397 x 65 kg) + (4.799 x 170 in cm) – (5.677 x 45 year old) = 1,519 calories. The result of the calculation must then be multiplied by one of the following “activity” coefficients according to your needs to establish the basal metabolic rate and then the calories of the fattening diet for men.
Fattening Diet for Men – Basal Metabolic Activity Coefficients or BMR: How Much to Eat Based on Physical Activity
- Sedentary, multiply BMR by:
- 1 = less than 10 minutes of physical activity per day;
- 1.3 = about 10 minutes of motor activity per day;
- Not very active, multiply BMR by:
- 1.4 = between 10 and 20 minutes of motor activity per day;
- 1.5 = between 20 and 30 minutes of physical activity per day;
- Active, multiply BMR by:
- 1.6 = about 30 minutes of motor activity per day;
- 1.7 = about 30 minutes of motor activity per day + other light daily activities (walking, studying, desk work);
- 1.8 = about 30 minutes of physical activity per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work);
- Very active, multiplies BMR by:
- 1.9 = approximately 60 minutes of exercise per day + other light daily activities (walking, studying, desk work);
- 2.0 = approximately 80 minutes of exercise per day + other light daily activities (walking, studying, desk work);
- 2.1 = about 80 minutes of exercise per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work);
- 2.2 = about 90 minutes of exercise per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work);
- Sportsman, multiply BMR by:
- 2.3 = about 110 minutes of exercise per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work);
- 2.4 = about 120 minutes of exercise per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work);
- 2.5 = more than 120 minutes of exercise per day + other demanding daily activities (brisk walking, heavy work).
Fattening Diet for Men – Example: How much to eat per day to maintain body weight?
Let’s go back to the example of the man from before who needs a fattening diet. If this man were also very active, in the measure of the activity coefficient 2.1 by performing the calculation “BMR x activity coefficient” we find out how many calories he must eat per day in order not to gain weight or lose weight: 1,519 x 2,1 = 3,189.9 calories. The basal metabolic rate or BMR of man in example is 3,189.9 calories. It means that every day he consumes these calories, to gain weight he must eat more through the fattening diet for men.
Fattening Diet for Men – Example to Make a Man Fat: How Much to Eat a Day to Gain Body Weight?
In other words, a 45-year-old man, who weighs 65 kg, 170 cm tall and who is very active if he wants to maintain the body weight he has must take 3,189.9 calories from his daily diet. If he wants to gain weight he must add 500 calories to his BMR – that is, his maintenance diet – or 1000 calories to gain weight faster. The man in this example has a Fattening Diet for Men of over 3,689.9 calories consumed in one day.
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