How much water to drink a day based on weight? Actually, to find out just do a simple calculation that takes into account the weight, but also the height. Drinking a lot of water makes you lose weight, but drinking too much water can even be harmful. Let’s see in what sense. Until proven otherwise, however, we are composed of 70% water, so drinking less than 34 ounces a day is always and in any case discouraged.

how much water to drink a day calculation

Calculation: How much water to drink a day

How much water to drink a day? A simple calculation solves the mystery, we advise to always keep it in mind so as to modify the amount of water based on variations in your weight. The formula is to drink 0.5 ounces of water per pound of body weight per day:

0.5 ounces * pounds of body weight = ounces of water to drink per day.

Keep in mind that this is a rough estimate, and more specific calculations taking into account factors such as age, activity level, and overall health may yield different results.

How much water to drink a day based on weight

How much water to drink a day based on weight? If you have asked yourself this question, you already know that it is logical that not everyone needs the same amount of water to drink. The reason is simple, it is the mass to be hydrated that changes, a bit like when preparing pizza: if too much water is added to a pizza dough, it will dissolve becoming liquid; while if too little water is added to a dough that needs a lot more because it has to produce dozens of pizzas, the dough will become as hard as stone and crumble. That’s why weight becomes a key element in the formula to calculate how much water to drink a day.

Drinking a lot of water to lose weight

Drinking the right amount of water allows us to stay in shape and lose weight. Many times it can happen to lose up to 7 pounds just by starting to drink the right amount of water daily.

In addition, water is an excellent remedy against constipation, allowing the intestine to empty more easily and with more ease. It is perhaps unnecessary to emphasize that going to the bathroom lightens us up!

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.