Slimming down your belly quickly is impossible without exercise, take a minute of resignation and let’s move on. The diet to lose belly fat quickly should consist only of healthy and light foods, therefore low in calories, and then rich in proteins and fibers, so as to stay full for a long time and support the muscles in physical effort. This guide gives you the ultimate answer on how to lose belly fat with exercises and diet, so what you will read is what you need to get the flat belly of your dreams, all you have to do is apply this method to lose belly fat, with a combination of exercises and diet. Here’s how to slim your belly down and avoid taking on an “apple” shape and have a flat belly to be leaner and healthier.

No one knows your body better than you, so if you feel it’s necessary or if you have any doubts of any kind, you should absolutely talk to your doctor before drastically changing your eating and exercise habits in order to try to lose belly fat.
How to quickly lose belly fat to avoid the “apple” shape
Abdominal fat is a nuisance because you can’t wear your favorite model’s clothes without showing off your extra belly, and many people don’t know that abdominal fat is also much more dangerous to health than fat on the hips or on the sides.
Essentially, it’s in the abdomen and chest where all our vital organs are located, all the most important organs, such as the intestine, heart, liver, kidneys. When we notice that we accumulate more fat on the abdomen than on the rest of the body, it means that we have taken on the so-called “apple” shape, which is very dangerous, especially in the case of overweight subjects, as our internal organs are covered in fat, and in particular, the heart is covered which increases the likelihood of having a heart attack.
Abdominal fat, also known as visceral fat, is a tissue that surrounds the organs in order to protect them. However, if we are overweight or obese, the risk is that this fat can suffocate them and prevent proper function. Unhealthy and excessive eating, combined with lack of physical activity, undoubtedly results in the classic and dangerous “apple shape”. This is why losing weight and eliminating belly fat is a priority for staying healthy. Now, let’s see how to do it.
What to do to get a flat belly as soon as possible
Unfortunately, we must immediately communicate to our readers that it is impossible to eliminate belly fat quickly, such as “in a week.” Beware of those who try to make you believe otherwise. It is impossible to lose belly fat in a week because as we just mentioned, the fat is deposited deep within the body, at the visceral level. The only strategy we have for losing belly fat acts slowly and in the long term, not without effort.
To lose belly fat and eliminate abdominal fat, time and patience are required. You need to activate a combination of a healthy, low-calorie diet rich in protein and fiber that satisfies for a long time and consistent training, including endurance sports, HIIT workouts, and weight lifting.
How to lose belly fat quickly? If by “quickly” we mean “as soon as possible,” the way to lose belly fat quickly is to not falter, be constant, and keep a small calorie deficit over time (you will need to consume fewer calories). A last-minute tip to help you get the flat belly you deserve: take advantage of water, herbal teas, and tea in moments of weakness. Even a chamomile tea can make a difference. Introducing liquids helps to stay hydrated, has a calming effect, and partially fills the stomach, helping to overcome hunger pangs in a zen way.
Recommended exercises for a flat belly: not just abs
How to lose belly fat? First of all, by doing the recommended and ideal exercises to lose belly fat, which are not just abs. In fact, there are many other muscle groups along the body that need to be stimulated and strengthened to truly have a beautiful flat belly. The recommended exercises for a flat belly are:
Crunch: it tastes good but you don’t eat it
Crunch: sounds like something good but it will make you sweat and burn abdominal fat instead of cultivating it. In fact, Crunch is one of the best exercises to lose belly fat. You will mainly train the central muscles of your abs. How to do the basic Crunch: “lie down on the ground with your knees bent (the knees should be at an angle of about 90 degrees) and lift only your shoulders, keeping the lower back pressed to the ground. Fold yourself over onto your abdomen, trying not to move your head (the distance between your chin and chest should always remain the same), and be careful not to strain your neck (otherwise it could become sore).”
Side Crunch: defined abs and narrower waist
Side Crunch: is used to train the lateral muscles, defining the abs and strengthening the waistline by burning visceral fats which are usually harder to get rid of. How to do the side Crunch: “lie on the ground with your knees bent. Contract your abs and slowly lift towards your knees, keeping your back straight, then rotate your torso to the left, return to the center position, and repeat the half-turn to the right.”
Crunch with legs raised: more resistance
Crunch with legs raised: as the name suggests, this exercise will put you to the test, but once you try it, you’ll fall in love with it, especially for the results it allows you to achieve. How to do the Crunch with legs raised: “lie on the ground in a supine position with your legs semi-straight up, push your heels towards the ceiling, then with your hands behind your head, lift your torso and then descend (keeping your legs up).”
Leg lift: goodbye saggy belly
Leg lift: it seems easy, and it actually becomes easy soon, but you need to be consistent in repeating these exercises to slim down and tone your belly correctly. How to do the leg lift: lie on the ground, arms extended and relaxed at your sides, lift both legs using your abdominal muscles until you reach an angle of 90 degrees (legs are perpendicular to floor). If you can’t do it, start by lifting one leg at a time.
Plank and Side Plank: The Best Way to Train Your Abs
Plank: A resistance exercise you cannot say no to, which involves holding yourself parallel to the floor relying on strength, but mostly abdominal endurance. You are required to maintain a position for about 1-2 minutes, thus burning a lot of fat as the seconds go by. There is also a diet specifically designed to amplify the benefits of the Plank. Here’s How to Do the Plank: Lie down on the floor (facing the ground), keep your legs slightly apart, place your hands next to your shoulders, then lift yourself up, raise your hips, stretch out your arms and hold the position, with your back straight for as long as you can. You can also try resting on your forearms instead of your hands.
Side Plank: It is the same as the basic exercise, the difference is that you have to rest your forearm on one side, keep your feet together and keep the other arm resting on your side. Hold the position keeping yourself perfectly aligned and hips lifted off the ground.
Training Plan to Lose Weight and Have a Flat Stomach – How to Perform the Exercises: Repetitions, Sets, and Rest Time
Training plan to have a flat stomach: How to Perform the Exercises: It is recommended to perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions of each exercise for the first week. Increase by one set for the following three weeks. Remember to take a 30-second break between one set of exercises and the other. If you are a beginner, seek the guidance of a personal trainer who can really help you understand which exercises are best for you and the correct way to perform them.
Diet to Lose Belly Fat Quickly: Sample Menu for 1 Day
A one-day diet plan for quickly reducing belly fat, that is, as soon as possible, could follow this sample menu:
- BREAKFAST: unsweetened coffee or green tea + 2 whole wheat crackers + 0.5 oz of unsweetened wild berry jam + 1 banana.
- MORNING SNACK: 1 carrot or 3.5 oz of celery cut into strips, seasoned with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt.
- LUNCH: spelt soup with 2.1 oz of hulled or pureed legumes + 8.5 oz of beans or chickpeas + a clove of unpeeled garlic for flavor + a pinch of turmeric.
- AFTERNOON SNACK: goji berry tea + 5.3 oz apple + 2 walnuts.
- DINNER: 7 oz grilled turkey breast + steamed fresh green beans with a sprinkle of salt + 0.9 oz rye bread.
Everything is allowed but with an extra focus on health, here are the choices we made in composing this menu and why.
What to eat for breakfast to reduce belly fat and why
Diet and what to eat for breakfast to reduce belly fat – BREAKFAST: we replaced the classic breakfast of milk and cereals/coffee and croissant with these healthy choices: green tea and unsweetened wild berry jam are two antioxidant sources, green tea is especially recommended for weight loss, while the jam tastes good, is sweet, and gives energy without loading us with calories; whole wheat crackers are a healthy choice because white flours are the main cause of constipation, leading to abdominal bloating; the banana, which many avoid because it’s high in calories, is very useful in this case because the calories come from a high concentration of nutrients, simple carbohydrates, and potassium, which is essential for electrolyte balance, especially if you exercise before breakfast.
What to eat for fast belly fat loss in snacks and why
What to eat for fast belly fat loss in snacks – MORNING SNACK: fiber should abound because it satisfies and burns fat (we use more calories to digest them than they provide with their nutrients), so what’s better than some fresh, raw, and crunchy vegetables? You can make a juice or use them as an appetizer, carrots and celery seasoned with a drizzle of extra-virgin olive oil (1 teaspoon) and a pinch of salt will keep you energized and satisfied until lunch. So you can work or study without fearing a hunger strike in the meantime.
What to eat for snacks to quickly lose belly fat – AFTERNOON SNACK: I invite you to further research goji berries, of which the world knows too little. They are among the most powerful antioxidants, with anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties, and obviously help improve intestinal health by promoting proper digestion. Instead, the half apple you will eat for a snack is especially useful for those who are not used to following a diet and may get hungry in the afternoon, especially in the first few days. Eating the apple will immediately get them back on track: it is a bomb of energy and health. Nuts reduce cholesterol, are also very useful in providing recovery energy, are also antioxidants, and in particular, walnuts, which we have included in the menu, help reduce body fat, including visceral fat that forms on the abdomen. Eating a small amount of nuts every day helps with muscle development, which is especially interesting if you want a flat stomach and some abs to show.
What to eat for lunch and dinner to lose belly fat and why
What to eat for lunch and dinner to lose belly fat – LUNCH: We included a spelt soup because it is the clearest example of what it means to eat more proteins but in a healthy way. Spelt is the whole grain element, more nutritious and caloric than legumes, which instead provide an important protein contribution. It is important that legumes are shelled, cooked for a long time, or passed to prevent abdominal swelling. Seasoning the soup is an opportunity to make other healthy choices: use turmeric, which improves digestion and intestinal flow and is also anti-tumor, and garlic, a natural detox for the digestive tract and intestine.
What to eat for lunch and dinner to lose belly fat – DINNER: an Italian-style dinner, very simple to prepare, genuine and tasty at the same time. We always prefer white meat to red meat, which from numerous scientific studies has been found to be more carcinogenic. In addition, white meat has much less fat, is lean, and has fewer calories. Grilled turkey without oil will be more than enough. The vegetable side dish cannot be missing, use plenty of freshly boiled green beans, seasoned with a pinch of salt just to avoid eating only “green.” Rye bread enhances the dinner, providing the body with those nutrients that we would never find in white flour, as rye flour is a whole grain flour that retains the nutritious “shell” of the cereal, which would be discarded in the case of white flour. Yeast products are to be limited but not completely avoided, so you can carry on with the diet to lose belly fat much more easily.
Prefer extra-virgin olive oil and coconut oil to dress dishes, they are the healthiest oils you will ever find. However, always avoid fried foods, trying to stay just below your daily calorie intake.
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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.