Losing weight during menopause is difficult.” In addition to hot flashes and mood swings, there’s also the extra weight around the belly making weight loss seem like a real challenge. However, it’s actually possible to lose weight during menopause, even quickly, especially by following a stress-free diet routine. Let’s see what to do to lose weight during menopause or perimenopause and how to lose weight quickly and without stress at any age.

how to lose weight during menopause stress free

How to lose weight quickly during menopause with a diet

Losing weight quickly during menopause with a diet is possible, it’s not as complicated as some say, but keeping up with menus can become stressful. That’s why, in addition to advising you on what to eat and what foods to avoid, we also give you some tips to lose weight quickly and without stress.

Losing weight quickly during menopause, how to do it?

  • Engage in regular physical activity. It’s never too late to take the healthy habit of walking for 30 minutes a day. If you don’t like to walk for a long time, an activity you can try even in your living room is yoga, suitable for all ages. Yoga makes you more flexible and stronger, and without realizing it, many aches and pains will likely disappear. Regular physical activity speeds up metabolism, important after 40 years old to lose weight quickly.
  • Follow the menopause diet without cheating. The concept is simple: you lose about 5 kg in a month, so calculate how long you need to commit to losing weight and set a goal. It will help you avoid cheating and stay strong until you reach the desired weight. Losing weight quickly during menopause can only be achieved if you truly believe in what you want, no one can be consistent for you.
  • If you feel tired, sleep a couple of extra hours (7-9 hours). The point is that while we sleep, we burn calories, and we certainly can’t cheat. So if you feel tired, take a nap or extend your nighttime rest time, it will help you stay strong despite exercising and having a little less pasta on your plate.

Losing weight during menopause, but without stress

If you’ve read this far, then you’ve already looked at the 1-day menu of the menopause diet, calculated a goal to achieve, and maybe you’re wondering if you should really sleep longer. So, while you’re making these important evaluations, we want to reassure you about the effort you’ll need to put in to succeed in losing weight quickly during menopause.

Counting calories to lose weight is a game: there are numerous free applications that can help and motivate you to keep a food diary. It works like this: you set your daily goals and then record what you eat, the app counts the calories, so you always know how much you ate! A quick and stress-free way to lose weight.

You may have tried other diets in your life, but the menopause diet is different because your body is different now: everything changes, just as it did when you went from being a girl to a woman. You feel upside down because your body is trying to restore a general balance that was lost with the change, and deep down, you know that a drastic diet could be stressful and therefore difficult to follow.

Therefore, here’s the first important tip for losing weight during menopause without stress: avoid drastic diets, indulge in life’s pleasures in small doses (especially when it comes to chocolate) and move more. Attention, moving more means walking, doing sports or yoga, but it also means allowing yourself more intimate moments with your partner: even making love burns calories! About 300 calories to be precise. We have just turned a menopause diet into a daily pleasure, a way to lose weight quickly and stress-free, as we told you.

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.