The lemon diet to lose up to 9 pounds in one week with a fat-burning menu, lemon has slimming properties, speeds up metabolism, and combats water retention. The lemon diet can work, lasting 7 days, it involves a low-calorie dietary regimen, leveraging the properties of lemon to help you lose up to 9 pounds, but don’t expect generous portions. To lose weight quickly, it is possible to follow a short-term diet like this, making sacrifices and fully utilizing the fat-burning potential of certain foods, such as lemon precisely, but let’s see why it can truly work and the sample menu.

Lemon diet to lose 9 pounds lemonade menu

Lemon diet, why it can work and beneficial properties of lemon

The lemon diet was created by Dr. Martine André, who chose lemon as the central food of her diet due to its numerous beneficial qualities and metabolic properties. The reason the lemon diet can work is that lemon is a powerful natural fat burner, it speeds up metabolism, and combats water retention and cellulite. Consequently, the foundations for rapid weight loss through the lemon diet are abundant. The lemon diet can work and help lose up to 9 pounds in one week if followed strictly. The reason it works is that it is a low-calorie diet, where the selected foods are low in energy content or almost bland. If this can put your will to lose weight quickly to the test, here are some beneficial properties of lemon that you should know:

  • Lemon has alkalizing properties, regulates pH, and is one of the reasons why anyone following a healthy lifestyle always drinks a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning.
  • The most important properties for those who want to follow the lemon diet are its cleansing, slimming, fat-burning, and digestive properties: it stimulates diuresis and purifies the body by eliminating toxins, an excellent way to stay healthy with sips of lemonade.

In reality, lemon has several properties. We invite you to delve into the topic in detail by reading this interesting article on the Benefits of Lemon: Good for Health and Weight Loss, which also explains why drinking water with lemon in the morning is beneficial for the body.

Lemon diet to lose up to 9 pounds in one week (7 days) with sample menu

With all the slimming properties that lemon has, it would be difficult for there not to be even a hint of weight loss by following this diet. In fact, those who follow the lemon diet can lose up to 9 pounds in one week (7 days). We already specify that this diet should not be followed for more than 7 days because it is very restrictive, a bit unbalanced, and even lemon, in large quantities, has side effects.

Another reason why lemon aids in weight loss and works with this diet is that drinking lemonade often throughout the day helps control the feeling of hunger; it basically suppresses appetite and voracity. Partly due to resignation and partly because the stomach fills up with lemonade. Additionally, the foods consumed during the 7-day diet are simple, wholesome, and designed to keep the stomach full while providing few calories.

PLEASE NOTE that in the menu, lemonade is indicated in the morning; it should be consumed on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before the actual breakfast.

The recipe for preparing Dr. Martine André’s lemonade is featured in the Dissapore magazine:

The measurements for each serving are as follows:

  • 10 fluid ounces of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of untreated lemon juice;
  • 2 tablespoons of maple syrup;
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper.

Sample menu for the 7 days of the Lemon Diet

The sample menu for the 7 days of the lemon diet is structured as follows:

  • BREAKFAST: Lemonade + low-fat yogurt + 2 tablespoons of oatmeal or a handful of fresh almonds + 1 seasonal fruit or a small fruit salad with red berries.
  • SNACK: Lemonade + raw vegetables to nibble on or a banana and a handful of pumpkin seeds.
  • LUNCH: Lemonade + whole wheat pasta / lemon risotto or soup with beans or lentils (your choice) + salad dressed with 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, or vinegar.
  • AFTERNOON SNACK: 1 glass of plain Lemonade + 1 seasonal fruit or raw vegetables to nibble on.
  • DINNER: Lemonade + grilled chicken / fish or grilled turkey meat + steamed vegetables as a side dish.
  • BEDTIME: Lemonade.

This type of diet can be followed by those who do not suffer from stomach or digestive problems. Before starting any restrictive diet with “unusual” characteristics, it is still advisable to consult a doctor to ensure that there are no health risks.

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.