Is it really possible to lose 22 pounds in one month? The expert responds that: everything is possible, but drastic weight loss diets are to be avoided! In an interview, it was revealed what the actual maximum weight loss in one month can be, and it turns out that it is possible to lose 22 pounds in one month. A journey that will yield significantly better and long-term results, here’s how. It is disappointing on one hand and reassuring on the other, as there are some tips that will certainly help many of you lose weight, like 22 pounds in one month, and never regain it again.

lose 22 pounds in one month

How to lose 22 pounds in a month

How to lose 22 pounds in a month? We recently discussed this topic by introducing the rice diet. However, today we have to give you some bad news. It is highly likely, or rather, it is practically certain that even if the extreme and rapid diet to lose 22 pounds in a month works, you will quickly regain all the lost weight if you do not seriously follow a correct and effective weight loss diet.

We can state this after reading an interesting interview with Caroline Apovian, Director of the Center for Nutrition and Weight Management at the Boston Medical Center. This woman deals with people who try to reduce their body weight by 5% in just three months, not 22 pounds in one month. Here’s what we found out.

The expert reveals how much weight you can really lose in a month

Why do people lose so much weight, especially at the beginning of restrictive diets?

The expert: “How much you lose also depends on what you have been eating up until then. If you are a fan of carbohydrates or hamburgers, and then you cut them out almost entirely, you will see the scale needle move downwards – about 6.6 pounds in the first week, which is mainly water that the body was retaining. The good news? If you don’t go back to eating junk, this weight should not come back, but the decrease won’t be as significant in the second month.”

So, can you really lose 22 pounds in a month?

The expert: “Considering a long-term planned weight loss, on average you can lose up to 2.2 pounds per week to reach 22 pounds, but not every week. About 6.6 pounds in a month is a good and reasonable result to achieve – says Slayton – But keep in mind that it is highly subjective: two patients can eat the same way for two weeks and lose weight differently.”

And if we wanted to speed up the weight loss process?

The expert: “You could go on a drastic diet, but it’s not a good idea. People who try to lose weight like 22 pounds (in one week or one month), if not closely monitored, will regain it. Moreover, when you lose weight quickly, you not only lose fat but also muscles, which you need to burn calories; this means that your metabolism will slow down and the weight will accumulate again, even if you continue to restrict calorie intake.”

Therefore, all drastic diets are strongly discouraged!

Losing weight: differences between women and men

“If you have more than 22 pounds to lose, or if you are male, then you will lose weight faster,” the doctor comments, explaining that “men have more muscle mass: one kilogram of muscles burns more calories than one kilogram of fat, so a 154 pounds man will burn more calories than a woman of the same weight.”

To improve women’s ability to lose weight and be able to shed 22 pounds in a month, it is necessary to speed up metabolism by doing home workouts, going to the gym, and eating fat-burning foods.

The expert then emphasizes, “The best question to reach your goals is: How can I lose up to 22 pounds of fat mass and increase muscle mass? If you focus on strength, you will have much better chances of getting rid of the extra pounds because you will increase your metabolism. Focus on resistance exercises: this will help you lose weight and maintain your ideal weight.”

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