Dukan Diet: how it works, what to eat in the attack phase and menu

dukan diet: phases, how it works and what to eat in the attack phase

The Dukan diet is a high protein diet that consists of a diet based on excessive protein consumption, reducing almost to zero the intake of carbohydrates and fats. The Dukan diet, named after the French doctor Pierre Dukan who created it in 2000, allows the consumption of proteins from lean meats (excluding pork), fish, and even eggs. Strictly low calorie, the Dukan diet is designed to help lose weight by putting the body in a state of ketosis, as the body does not find carbohydrates in our meals, it draws from fat reserves, thus getting rid of extra kilos. The Dukan diet is structured in four phases: attack phase, cruise phase, consolidation phase, and maintenance phase; today we see what to eat during the attack phase. (more…)

Rice Diet, 3 days and 9 days – Lose up to 10 kilos in one month

rice diet 3 and 9 days

How to lose 10 kilograms fast in just one month? With the 3-day and 9-day brown rice diet, you can lose weight up to over 10 kg/month and it works. The brown rice diet consists of two phases: the first phase helps you lose 4 kilograms in 3 days, (hence the 3-day rice diet) and the second phase is the 9-day rice diet, in which you will lose another 5 kilograms as well. The results obtained should not be ruined by an immediate return to an unhealthy lifestyle to avoid the yo-yo effect. It may seem incredible, but it's true: seeing is believing. The rice diet works and can help you lose up to 10 kilograms in a month if followed correctly and with some sacrifices. This is a great brown rice diet that works and helps you lose weight fast. (more…)

Bulimia nervosa: what it is, psychological causes, consequences and treatment

bulimia nervosa eating consequences psychological causes

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder that originates from psychological causes, the consequences of bulimia can be very serious without adequate therapy. A bulimic person can be overweight, normal weight or underweight, manifest excessive attention towards food and an exaggerated concern about their weight and physical shape. The therapy for bulimia nervosa is multidisciplinary, it is not only a nutritional diet treatment, it also includes psychological and psychotherapeutic treatments to regain control of one's life. So let's see what are the psychological causes of bulimia nervosa, what it is, how it manifests itself and finally the therapy and the consequences, even serious ones, of this insidious eating disorder. (more…)

How to lose weight quickly and without stress during menopause

how to lose weight during menopause stress free

"Losing weight during menopause is difficult." In addition to hot flashes and mood swings, there's also the extra weight around the belly making weight loss seem like a real challenge. However, it's actually possible to lose weight during menopause, even quickly, especially by following a stress-free diet routine. Let's see what to do to lose weight during menopause or perimenopause and how to lose weight quickly and without stress at any age. (more…)

Example MENU rice diet 3 and 9 days with quantities

rice diet example menu

Example menu for the Rice Diet for 3 days and 9 days with indicated quantities and established combinations, here's how to do the diet by eating rice. You have loudly requested this dietary menu and here it is, with all the details, quantities, combinations, and foods to prefer during the diet. There are two different menus, one for 3 days and one for the 9 days of the diet, for a total of 12 days to follow. Here are the rules to follow while on the rice diet and the weekly menu for the three days and the nine days that we will try this diet! (more…)

Zone Diet: Benefits, Example Blocks, Protein Calculation, and GI

zone diet what to eat

The Zone Diet was created by researcher Barry Sears with the aim of developing a balanced, low glycemic index meal plan. It is considered a high-protein diet, with a balance of carbohydrates and fats, with meal portions regulated by a 40-30-30 proportion. The Zone diet works with the block method, hand method, or point method, without counting calories but paying attention to grams. Below are the benefits, contraindications, and all the interesting details about the Zone Diet for athletes. Calculate your daily protein requirement here! Discover examples of recipes, lunch, dinner, and snacks according to the principles of the Zone diet, which is quite different from the Mediterranean diet. (more…)

Losing 22 pounds in one month is really possible? The expert

lose 22 pounds in one month

Is it really possible to lose 22 pounds in one month? The expert responds that: everything is possible, but drastic weight loss diets are to be avoided! In an interview, it was revealed what the actual maximum weight loss in one month can be, and it turns out that it is possible to lose 22 pounds in one month. A journey that will yield significantly better and long-term results, here's how. It is disappointing on one hand and reassuring on the other, as there are some tips that will certainly help many of you lose weight, like 22 pounds in one month, and never regain it again. (more…)

Low-sodium diet: what to eat

low sodium diet example what to eat

The low-sodium diet, which is a diet low in sodium, raises the question of what to eat: what are low-sodium foods? The low-sodium kitchen involves the use of low-sodium foods, which are all foods recommended for a low-salt and therefore low-sodium diet. We will see an example of a low-sodium diet to better understand how it works and what to eat, even in the case of a low-calorie and low-sodium diet. Few calories, little salt in the kitchen, and nutrition become more of a treatment. It is important to know what not to eat in a low-sodium diet. (more…)

How to Lose Weight: 8 Sirt Foods in Your Diet That Activate the Skinny Gene

sirt diet lean gene 8 foods

How to lose weight? To lose weight, you can include in your diet 8 Sirt foods, those with lots of "sirtuins," substances capable of activating the skinny gene and helping you lose weight. Of course, we won't reveal step by step how the Sirt Diet works, but we can tell you why it works and recommend the revealing book. There are eight main foods that activate the "skinny gene"; let's see what these foods are. Remember that the results of the Sirt diet are evident from the first week, both on the scale and in the mirror, try it to believe it! (more…)

Balanced Weekly Diet: How to Eat Healthy as a Habit without Difficulty

balanced weekly diet how to eat healthy

Finally, a balanced weekly diet, not for losing weight, but for learning to eat healthily, making it a habit without difficulty. If we stop to think about the complexity of the human body, it seems obvious to imagine how complicated it is to structure a healthy and balanced diet. Moreover, we are all different, and our bodies react differently to food. It is not enough to say, "eating salad will make me lose weight" or "eating fish will improve my vision" and become the nutritionists of the year. To know what your balanced weekly diet should be, you will have to understand the quantities and types of food you need and, above all, how to incorporate them into your meal plan without difficulty in order to eat healthily out of habit. (more…)