Valter Longo’s fasting mimicking diet for longevity, health, and cellular rejuvenation

mimicking fasting diet longevity health and cellular rejuvenation

The fasting mimicking diet promises a long life, and Professor Valter Longo is the creator of this diet, which aims to reset the body, promote cellular rejuvenation, health, and longevity. Nutrition is one of the factors that determine how we age day after day. With the fasting mimicking diet, damaged cells are replaced by new healthy cells, thus extending life and delaying the onset of diseases. It seems like paradise: a diet that keeps you in shape, lengthens your life, and ensures long-lasting physical and mental well-being. Let's take a closer look at what the fasting mimicking diet is and how it works, for example: how long it lasts and what to eat. (more…)

Boiled Egg Diet 3 and 7 Days: You can lose up to 11 pounds in a week

boiled eggs diet to lose 11 lb in a week

How to lose 11 pounds quickly? With the boiled egg diet, you can lose weight up to over 11 lbs/week in just one week. It may seem impossible, but it's true: Try it to believe it. The boiled egg diet involves eating boiled eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, alternating with protein-rich foods like meat and fish. The boiled egg diet for 3 and 7 days works and can help you lose 11 pounds in a week. Experts recommend it to those who don't need to lose too much weight. The achieved results should not be undermined by immediately returning to an unbalanced lifestyle to avoid the yo-yo effect. It is an effective diet as it is high in protein, thus promoting rapid weight loss. (more…)

How to maintain a long-lasting tan after summer at the beach without peeling?

how to have and keep a perfect tan for long

How to maintain a long-lasting tan after summer at the beach without peeling? A whole summer spent at the beach to get the perfect tan, but how do you keep your tan lasting until winter, and without peeling? Let's solve the issue once and for all with the help of nutrition. There are foods that can actually help you tan and then there are dietary guidelines and natural remedies that can prolong your tan while preventing peeling. Let's see what they are. (more…)

Astronaut Diet – Lose 22 lbs in 13 days, crash diet

astronaut diet to lose 22 lbs

The astronaut diet, developed by NASA nutritionists, serves to optimize nutrient intake and avoid stomach problems. Developed in the 1960s, this diet was designed to prevent the astronauts' intestinal gas from destabilizing the delicate balance inside the ISS. The astronaut diet is based on nutritious, low-calorie foods that produce very little gas, but above all, it allows you to lose a lot of weight. Various people on Earth who have tried this diet have said they have lost up to 22 lbs of excess weight in just two weeks! (more…)

Hypocaloric Diet 1200 calories Weekly MENU EXAMPLES

hypocaloric diet 1200 calories weekly menu examples

The Low-calorie Diet is a low-energy diet, in practice we prefer low-calorie foods with few calories and many nutrients. If you want to follow a 1200 calorie low-calorie diet, the examples below will be very useful for you to understand what it means to go on a weekly slimming diet. Low-calorie diets can also be vegetarian and vegan, but today we will show you a complete 1200-calorie weekly low-calorie diet. A weekly low-calorie diet can also be studied for an average daily calorie consumption of 1000 kcal, it all depends on your needs. Let's see briefly how a simple 1200 calorie low-calorie diet rich in all the nutrients necessary to stay healthy and lose weight works. (more…)

Vegan Raw Food Diet with Example Weekly Menu to Lose Weight

vegan raw food diet

The vegan raw food diet prefers the consumption of raw foods, a vegan raw foodist does not eat milk, eggs, honey, meat, and fish even raw because they are of animal origin. In the weekly menu that we present, we try to understand what a vegan raw foodist eats who follows this diet to lose weight or for ethics. The raw food diet is not necessarily vegan, but a vegan person who approaches raw foodism follows a vegan raw food diet in all respects. Omnivorous raw foodists eat carpaccio, eggs, tartare, and sushi, while vegan raw foodists do not; they prefer vegetables, sprouts, fruit, seeds, and juices. Let's discover why following a vegan raw food diet would be beneficial, what are the advantages and disadvantages, and whether vegan raw food diet serves to lose weight. (more…)

How much water to drink a day: CALCULATION based on weight

how much water to drink a day calculation

How much water to drink a day based on weight? Actually, to find out just do a simple calculation that takes into account the weight, but also the height. Drinking a lot of water makes you lose weight, but drinking too much water can even be harmful. Let's see in what sense. Until proven otherwise, however, we are composed of 70% water, so drinking less than 34 ounces a day is always and in any case discouraged. (more…)

Lose weight quickly, 10 methods to do it faster

lose weight quickly what to do to lose weight faster

Losing weight quickly as if by magic is the dream of those who want to get rid of excess weight right away. To do it faster, here are 7 methods. How to lose weight quickly with methods that work? What to do to lose weight faster? What makes you lose weight quickly? All the secrets of the lifestyle that will soon give you a nice physique. From today, you can lose weight fast thanks to our tips and 10 methods to lose weight quickly. (more…)

Fat-burning foods that naturally promote weight loss

fat-burning foods diet to lose weight by eating

Natural fat-burning foods that truly promote weight loss are those that allow you to burn excess fat and, therefore, lose weight. Thanks to the constant consumption of fat-burning foods, a fast metabolism eliminates excess weight in less time. Fat-burning foods increase metabolism, promoting and accelerating weight loss with the simple use of these foods. Let's take a closer look at the list of 10 fat-burning foods that promote weight loss. (more…)

Protein Diet for Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight by Eating More Proteins

protein diet for weight loss

Protein diets are trendy among women who are determined to shed those extra pounds. A protein diet for weight loss helps you lose weight by simply eating more protein. This means reducing the consumption of carbohydrates in favor of proteins, such as choosing a veal steak over a pizza. The Dukan diet, the Zone diet, or the ketogenic diet are some examples of protein-based diets for weight loss. Let's see exactly how to lose weight with protein diets and what warnings experts from the Italian Institute of Health have for those who follow this type of diet. (more…)