Protein diets are trendy among women who are determined to shed those extra pounds. A protein diet for weight loss helps you lose weight by simply eating more protein. This means reducing the consumption of carbohydrates in favor of proteins, such as choosing a veal steak over a pizza. The Dukan diet, the Zone diet, or the ketogenic diet are some examples of protein-based diets for weight loss. Let’s see exactly how to lose weight with protein diets and what warnings experts from the Italian Institute of Health have for those who follow this type of diet.

protein diet for weight loss

Protein Diet for Weight Loss

A protein diet for weight loss is when the consumption of proteins is higher and the consumption of carbohydrates is lower compared to a correct and balanced diet.

Usually, the quantities of macronutrients in a correct diet are divided as follows: 12-13% proteins (0.165-0.18 pounds of protein per pound of body weight), 25-30% fats, 57-63% carbohydrates.

In a protein diet for weight loss, macronutrients are distributed differently: 25-30% proteins (0.55-0.62 pounds of protein per pound of body weight), 25% fats, 45-50% carbohydrates. Doubling the amount of protein per pound of body weight allows for muscle development, while reducing carbohydrate consumption has a slimming effect.

Protein weight loss diets: how to lose weight by eating more protein

Protein weight loss diet: It is possible to lose weight by eating more protein than a normal diet because this leads to a reduction in carbohydrate consumption. Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy for the body. Therefore, by eating fewer carbohydrates and more protein, the body consumes protein and stored fats to produce energy, resulting in weight loss.

Protein diets, such as the Dukan diet, the Zone diet, and the ketogenic diet, are diets that allow for very rapid weight loss. However, in order to burn fat and lose weight, it is necessary to follow a hypocaloric protein diet, otherwise the energy requirement will still be met by carbohydrates, and instead of losing weight, you will gain weight.

Expert opinions on the Protein weight loss diet from ISS

Protein weight loss diet: The Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) believes that protein diets “determine a metabolic situation that, if carried out for too long without strict control, can present risks to health.” In addition, “Increased protein intake can be effective in promoting muscle mass growth and reducing body fat, but in order to protect the health of the body, it is important that the excess of protein consumed is only one aspect of the diet and is not taken to extremes.”

Protein weight loss diet:The ISS then specifies that “under normal conditions, the main task of proteins is to contribute to the construction and renewal of tissues and to the proper functioning of most organs and systems, including the immune system. They only play a negligible role in energy production.” This function, according to the ISS, “becomes prevalent during prolonged fasting, long-duration physical activity, and in all those situations in which the main sources of energy, namely carbohydrates, are reduced or even eliminated, as happens in high-protein diets.”

Note: you probably don’t know that for italians ISS stands for “Istituto Superiore di Sanità”, in english “Higher Institute of Health”. Don’t confuse it with the ISS “International Space Station”.

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.