Often we find ourselves living a sedentary life due to inertia. Being lazy, i.e. not feeling like doing anything and therefore not achieving much during the day, is dangerous for both physical and psychological well-being. A correct lifestyle can only be achieved by an energetic person who is always willing to act. In Italy, a sedentary life is when “I don’t even feel like walking or climbing stairs.” A study has analyzed some extremely lazy people from our nation and has concluded both risks and consequences associated with this unhealthy lifestyle. Let us also take a look at the right diet for those who lead a sedentary life.

sedentary life diet how to fight laziness

Diet and Sedentary Lifestyle

Leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating junk food are not a good mix. If you are lazy and eat poorly, you risk having a doctor prescribing pills as your main meal in your retirement. To avoid this, you must move in every sense.

Sometimes life can get tough, but it is not a good excuse to be lazy. The first advice for lazy people is to MOVE. Start doing some exercise immediately.

Often, if you are lazy, you are also overweight, fond of BurgerKING hamburgers, and not interested in boiling vegetables. Actually, you know what is the right way to lose weight, but you let your laziness take over to the point of looking for a solution here.

To lose weight as you lead a sedentary life, you must move as much as possible. Just because you are lazy does not mean you are sedentary; perhaps you are just an office worker who has to sit behind a desk. Use as much of your free time as possible to move, and you will feel better immediately.

Trust me, moving makes you lose weight. Furthermore, the perfect diet for lazy people does not contain a lot of fats or sugars. In practice: If you do not want to move, you have to reduce your daily calorie intake and improve the type of food you eat.

If you only take 100 steps a day (from home to the car, from the car to the office, and vice versa), then you cannot follow a 1300 kcal diet to lose weight, it won’t work because you burn only 600/700 calories throughout the day (between normal daily activities and basal metabolism).

Recommendations for Lazy People Leading a Sedentary Life

Choose a vegetable-based diet, both raw and cooked. Eating vegetables and legumes is the best way to fill the stomach while keeping daily calorie intake low. Below are some fat-burning foods you can introduce into your diet to lose weight despite having a sedentary lifestyle.

Here are some other recommendations we can give you to start breaking the routine of a sedentary life:

  • The body needs to move, otherwise it atrophies, so keep moving!
  • There are physical benefits right away, and then psychological ones.
  • Gradually increase the amount of exercise to avoid getting hurt.
  • Eating a healthy diet helps you move faster and lose weight faster.

Risks and Consequences of a Sedentary Lifestyle

First of all, a sedentary person certainly suffers from widespread pain. A Global Pain Index survey promoted by GSK Consumer Healthcare claims that 62% of Italians declare themselves sedentary and suffer from musculoskeletal pain at least once in their lifetimes. Musculoskeletal pain usually affects the back muscles, which weaken and become inflamed.

In practice, here’s what happens: A lazy person who tends to spend their days on the couch or in bed, or always sitting at a desk, cannot help but get hurt when they try to move more than usual. When lazy people make efforts, they inflict real traumas on their muscles, which rebel and become inflamed. This is the main consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

“Musculoskeletal pain can affect all people, of all ages and at any time in their lives. There are many reasons for this, and they can be due to excessive stress caused by improper movements, movements we have never done before, or physical exertion. In other cases, these types of pain are related to traumatic causes, while in the elderly, musculoskeletal pain is generally associated with a disease called osteoarthritis.”

Claudio Cricelli, President of the Italian Society of General Medicine (SIMG)

In essence, the risks and consequences of a sedentary lifestyle are:

  • Musculoskeletal pain.
  • Back pain.
  • Kyphosis.
  • Problems with the cervical spine.
  • Obesity.
  • Depression.

People who do not engage in physical activity, i.e., those who avoid even walking up the stairs if there is an elevator next to them, risk depression. Depression is not a virus; it is not contagious, but it slowly develops in those who stop enjoying life around them. Those who do not move, and do not keep their muscles active, atrophy along with them. Engaging in physical activity is good for the body and soul for this very reason. If you are skeptical, during moments when you feel particularly down, try going for a walk in the park. Only then will you discover whether scientists are right in saying that movement is beneficial or not!

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The information provided in the Diet and Italian Recipes articles is for INFORMATION ONLY and does not intend to replace the opinion of professional figures such as a doctor, nutritionist, or dietitian, whose intervention is necessary for the prescription and composition of personalized dietary therapies.