Dark chocolate has benefits and properties that are good for your health, which is why it is allowed even in the most restrictive weight-loss diets. White or milk chocolate may be sweeter, but true chocolate is bitter, like extra dark chocolate. The cocoa beans from which chocolate is derived are extremely bitter, and there are many processes that turn a cocoa bean into chocolate for our indulgent moments. Let’s see what the properties and benefits of good-for-you chocolate, dark chocolate, are, benefits that we may not have imagined but that help us stay healthy.

dark chocolate properties and benefits

Dark chocolate: benefits for the heart, mood, and love

Dark chocolate has benefits that mainly concern the cardiovascular system, as it is good for the heart and arteries with stimulating properties, some say aphrodisiacs. The antioxidants in dark and extra dark chocolate reduce the effects of stress, improving mood. With aphrodisiac stimulating properties and a happier mood, dark chocolate is a true ingredient of love, all at the cost of about 550 kcal per 100 grams!

Quantity is therefore a fundamental factor in being able to derive only the benefits of dark chocolate and not the drawbacks, such as gaining a few extra pounds.

Properties of bitter chocolate, from 70% cocoa and up

The properties of dark and extra dark chocolate are decisive in defining this food as a unique indulgence. When on a diet, “a square of dark chocolate” usually represents the only indulgence allowed in a day or week (depending on the type of diet). The main reason why chocolate is good for health, in fact, is already clear, and it is good mood, something that is often lacking for those who are forced to eat rice and carrots for weeks.

Dark chocolate is rich in minerals such as magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and calcium, all beneficial substances but especially necessary for our body. In particular, dark chocolate is rich in iron, so much so that a 50 g bar of dark chocolate contains at least 7% of the recommended amount of iron.

Eating dark chocolate is also a consolation for those who need to lower cholesterol, as dark chocolate contains flavonoids that act against bad cholesterol, reducing it.

Which dark chocolate to eat for its benefits and properties?

When it comes to dark chocolate, many people think they can consume any type of dark chocolate and get the maximum benefits and properties, but that’s not the case. If you want to experience mood-boosting and heart-healthy benefits, thereby improving your relationship with yourself and others, you should eat dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa.

Next time you go to the store, take notice of the percentage displayed on the packaging of dark and extra dark chocolate, as the differences are crucial. For those who don’t like their chocolate too bitter, it is recommended to start by tasting 70% dark chocolate and gradually increasing the percentage until reaching your acceptable limit. Exceptional quality chocolate with up to 99% cocoa is available for sale, but it is only appreciated by a few connoisseurs.

Eating 20 to 50 grams of dark chocolate (at least 70%) per day (not always) is the right way to obtain the benefits and properties of this unique food.

Of course, any form of excess that could lead to chocolate poisoning or addiction is strongly discouraged.

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