Let’s prepare a jam tart with apricot jam, the recipe without using yeast makes it light and easy to digest, let’s see how to make it. Making shortcrust pastry without using yeast means that the jam tart will not be soft, but it won’t be too hard either, it will have the consistency of butter cookies. The classic italian jam tart is made with apricot jam, and that’s how we made it, but you can use any other jam, it will be just as good. Let’s see how to prepare the jam tart, great for children’s snacks, breakfast or as a snack for friends and family!

apricot jam tart recipe without using yeast
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How to make the Apricot jam tart

How do you make the jam tart? Making the jam tart is easier than it seems, we made the shortcrust pastry without using yeast. To make this quick recipe for a simple and much lighter jam tart, just like grandma’s, here’s what you need: eggs, butter (or oil), flour, sugar, flavors and jam. We recommend buying a jam without added sugars for a light jam tart, perfect for adults and children as a snack or breakfast. Here’s how to prepare this beautiful and delicious light apricot jam tart (you can use any type of jam to prepare this tart according to the recipe).

Recipe for the Apricot jam tart without yeast

The jam tart is a traditional dessert in Italian cuisine, eggs, butter, sugar, flour and flavors and the shortcrust pastry is ready, without yeast. Let’s prepare together one of the most homemade and delicious Italian desserts: the jam tart, we used apricot jam but any other jam will be just as good. To enhance the aroma and sweetness of the jam in this tart, we add lemon or orange zest, decorate it with pastry cutters to give an artistic touch to the tart. Let’s see the recipe for the apricot jam tart, let’s find out how to make it step by step, the shortcrust pastry recipe without yeast is very easy to make.

Apricot Jam Tart – Yeast-Free Recipe

The jam tart is a traditional Italian dessert made with eggs, butter, sugar, flour, and flavors, and the shortcrust pastry is ready, without yeast.
Course Cake, Dessert, Tart
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 23 minutes
Doses for 6 portions
Calorie per porzione220kcal
Cost Low

Other details

  • Difficulty: Easy
  • Required: rolling pin, parchment paper, tart molds


  • 1 Whole egg
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 300 g All purpose flour (10.6 oz)
  • 150 g Sugar (5.3 oz) (120 g (4.2 oz) for a less sweet tart)
  • 150 g Softened butter (5.3 oz) (use vegetable oil for a lighter tart)
  • ½ Lemon zest
  • 1 packet of Vanilla Flavoring (or seeds from a vanilla bean)

For filling

  • 260 g Apricot Jam without added sugars (9.2 oz) (or flavor of your choice)


Prepare the yeast-free shortcrust pastry

  • For the jam tart preparation, pour all the ingredients into a bowl and knead vigorously with your hands for at least 5 minutes. The butter will melt completely and absorb the flour, which may seem excessive at first. Resist the temptation to add more ingredients.
  • Continue kneading with your hands until you form a smooth and non-sticky ball of shortcrust pastry, even without using yeast. At this point, place the dough on a work surface and continue kneading vigorously for another 5 minutes until it becomes elastic enough to take on any shape without breaking.
  • Wrap the yeast-free shortcrust pastry ball in plastic wrap and refrigerate it with the bowl for an hour.

Prepare the yeast-free jam tart

  • After an hour, take out the pastry ball and knead it with your hands to soften it a bit. Then take a large sheet of parchment paper and roll out the shortcrust pastry with a rolling pin until it forms a round shape with a thickness of about 1 centimeter (0.4 inches).
  • Butter the chosen tart mold thoroughly (take the butter from the refrigerator and rub it all over the surface where the tart will be baked until the mold takes on the whitish color of the butter; it will take about 10-20 g (0.4-0.7 oz) of butter to ensure that the jam tart comes out of the mold easily).
  • Flip the shortcrust pastry into the tart mold while it's still on the parchment paper, remove the parchment paper, and shape the dough with your hands until you are satisfied. Trim off the excess yeast-free shortcrust pastry from the edges, form a small ball with it, and wrap it in plastic wrap. Use a fork to prick holes all over the bottom of the tart to ensure it bakes perfectly. Cover the mold with plastic wrap and refrigerate it while you work on the decorations.
  • Roll out the remaining shortcrust pastry on parchment paper to a thickness of half a centimeter. Cut out strips or decorative shapes for your yeast-free jam tart. When all the decorations are ready, take out the tart base from the fridge, pour and spread the jam evenly, and then place the decorations.

Bake the yeast-free jam tart

  • To bake the yeast-free jam tart, preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F), and once it reaches the temperature, place the tart in the oven and set the timer for 25 minutes. The tart will lightly brown but not become dark.
  • Remove the jam tart from the oven after no more than 30 minutes and let it cool in the baking mold for at least a couple of hours before removing it from the mold. Serve at room temperature with a dusting of powdered sugar or plain. Your yeast-free apricot jam tart is ready to be enjoyed!


The plain tart can be stored at room temperature in a cake pan for up to a week.

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