The Biga Dough recipe is a preparation used by bakers to create leavened products, a recipe that was once used by grandmothers. The Biga dough is very simple as it is made from flour, water, and yeast, and it is quick to prepare because no great skill is needed. After the Biga is ready, it can be used to prepare leavened products such as bread, pizza, rolls, baguettes, or French bread. Follow this recipe to make Biga dough in a few minutes, and after maturation, you can also try our recipe for making bread with Biga.

biga dough for homemade leavened products
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Biga Dough for Making Bread

Biga dough is a product often used by professional bakers to create leavened products with an unparalleled taste and aroma. The Biga Dough recipe found here is one of the recipes that can be used to prepare this dough, as the Biga can undergo different types of hydration.

The recipe’s ingredients will yield 725g (1.6 lb) of Biga dough, useful for any baking recipe you have in mind. If you need less Biga, it is best to halve the recipe! If you still have some left, you can make thin strips, brush them with olive oil, various flavors, and bake them to obtain tasty snacks!

Biga Dough Recipe

Let’s move on to the Biga Dough recipe from Diet and Italian Recipes, for a always leavened dough ready for the preparation of delicious recipes.

Biga Dough

The recipe for making biga dough is quick and simple, so much so that even beginners in baking can make it for bread with biga.
Course Basic recipe
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 10 minutes
+ Rest at 18°C (64°F) 18 hours
Total Time 18 hours 10 minutes
Doses for 725 g (1.6 lb) of Biga Dough
Calorie per porzione1700kcal
Cost Low

Other details

  • Difficulty: medium


Ingredients to make Biga Dough

  • 1.5 g Dry Yeast (0.05 oz)
  • 500 g Strong Flour 300 W or Manitoba (1.1 lb)
  • 225 ml Cold Water (7.6 fl oz)


How to Make Biga Dough

  • To make biga dough, take a bowl and put the flour, dry yeast, and pour the cold water onto the yeast.
  • Mix the ingredients roughly with your hands in the bowl until the water is completely absorbed.
  • The resulting dough is not compact, but as shown in the photo, it will resemble more of a "shredded" appearance, the look of Biga Dough at this point is torn dough.
  • Cover the bowl with a well-wrung damp cloth and place it in contact with the dough.
  • At this point, we can place the bowl in a cool place at 18°C (64°F) for 18-20 hours, alternatively, it can be placed in the fridge at 4°C (39°F) for 24 hours. If stored in the fridge, it should be left for a few hours at room temperature before being used. The biga should be kept at a low temperature because it should not rise but mature.
  • When the biga dough has finished maturing (not rising), it can be worked by hand on a work surface to obtain a smooth ball. Our Biga Dough is ready to make all kinds of leavened products such as Bread with Biga and Pizza with Biga.

Now that you know the recipe for making the basic product of homemade leavened products, discover the recipe for Bread with Biga with us.

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