Bread with Biga is a classic from the past that is making a comeback and reclaiming its place in the present. It is the traditional recipe for bread with a biga dough. This preparation is for the most beloved leavened product in Italy, fresh bread, with a soft crumb and a crispy crust on every slice. Bread with biga is simple to make and does not require much processing. Follow this recipe to obtain a delicious result to enjoy at the table. Here is how to make bread with biga, the recipe for traditional bread with a biga dough that has already matured overnight or for a whole day.

bread with biga dough traditional homemade recipe
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We have already discussed how to make a perfect biga dough to prepare tasty leavened products that are also easy to digest. Now, let’s get into the details with the recipe for bread made with biga. If the quantities are excessive compared to the amount of bread needed, just halve them.

Recipe for Bread made with Biga

Here is the recipe to make Bread with Biga, for a well-cooked, fragrant, digestible, and light result. To prepare this recipe, it will be useful to have the biga dough already ready.

Bread with Biga

Bread with Biga is a leavened product of ordinary baking, it is nutritious and results in a crunchy and fragrant bread, here's how to make it.
Course Bread
Cuisine Italian
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
+ Proofing and Resting Time 3 hours
Total Time 4 hours
Doses for 1 kg of bread (2.2 lb)
Calorie per porzione230kcal
Cost Average

Other details

  • Difficulty: medium


  • 300 g Biga (10.5 oz)
  • 300 g Semolina Flour (10.5 oz)
  • 2 g Instant Yeast (0.07 oz)
  • 16 g Fine Salt (0.56 oz)
  • 1 teaspoon Barley Malt
  • 10 g Extra Virgin Olive Oil (0.35 oz)
  • 150 g Cold Water (5.29 oz)


How to prepare Bread with Biga

  • To make Bread with Biga, start by breaking the Biga into pieces in a food processor, then add part of the water and start the processor to dissolve the Biga mixture. Next, add the yeast, malt, and semolina.
  • While the processor mixes the ingredients, gradually add the remaining water, let it knead for a few minutes, then add salt and finally add the oil.
  • When we can see that the dough is well worked and is soft, let it rest for a few minutes and then place it in a well-oiled bowl. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rest at room temperature until it rises.
  • The Bread with Biga dough should not triple in volume, it is important that it rises like a cloud, the times vary depending on the warmth of the environment. Approximately 2 hours of resting time will be needed at an ambient temperature of 28°C (82°F).

Shaping the Bread with Biga

  • When the Bread with Biga dough has risen, gently pour it onto a floured work surface, then dust the surface of the dough with flour to shape the bread.
  • Gently press the dough with your fingers, forming a more or less circular base, being careful not to deflate it too much.
  • Fold the dough onto itself to give it the shape of a loaf, leaving the closing part on the resting surface. Then place the loaf on parchment paper and place it on a peel or on the back of a baking sheet that will serve as a peel. Make oblique cuts on the lightly floured surface using a razor blade or a sharp knife.
  • Leave the loaf to rise covered with a cloth for about 1 hour.

Baking Bread with Biga

  • When the Pane with Biga has risen, bake it in a static oven at 250°C (482°F) on the lowest shelf until it starts to take on color (after about 15 minutes), then lower the temperature to 200°C (392°F) or even 180°C (356°F) (depending on your oven) and maintain that temperature until the bread is fully baked. The total cooking time is about 30 to 40 minutes. To make sure the bread is well cooked, knock on the bottom of the loaf, it should sound hollow.

We must say that the fundamental ingredient to make leavened products like bread with biga is patience. One must know how to wait because there are no exact times for leavening, and everything depends on the temperature of the working environment.

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