Homemade Ice Cream: the Recipe for making it Without an Ice Cream Maker

homemade gelato ice cream without ice cream maker recipe

How to make ice cream without an ice cream maker? Here's the recipe for homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker, all you need is a whisk, whipping cream, condensed milk, and the flavor ingredient, and you're done! In the summer, sooner or later, the craving for a cold dessert arrives, and you try to make homemade ice cream. It's better to have the recipe ready for that moment, right? This is the basic recipe for ice cream without an ice cream maker, so by adding an ingredient of your choice, you can create the flavor of ice cream you prefer. Homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker, of course, needs to be frozen for a long time, so prepare the recipe at least 6 hours in advance. (more…)

Homemade Milk and Nutella Ice Cream Recipe without milk, only 2 ingredients

cream and nutella ice cream without milk

The homemade Milk and Nutella Ice Cream is made with just two ingredients, without an ice cream maker or milk. It doesn't freeze and is ready to serve in a total preparation time of 10 minutes. This quick homemade ice cream recipe with cream, without milk, can also be made with other ingredients, not necessarily Nutella. In fact, if you add another cream or fruit, such as pistachio cream, jam, or diced fruit, the ice cream will still be delicious. Here's how to make homemade ice cream with just 2 ingredients, cream and Nutella, and serve a homemade ice cream scoop in just 10 minutes of preparation. (more…)