Stuffed bell peppers in the oven, the perfect recipe with or without meat

stuffed bell peppers in the oven recipe

Stuffed bell peppers in the oven is an Italian main course that can be prepared in many ways, but here’s how to make this recipe. To make stuffed bell peppers in the oven, it is not necessary to have certain types of ingredients. For example, they can be made with or without ground meat. A tasty variation of this recipe to try is bell peppers stuffed with vegetables, bread, and capers, some fill them with tomato rice. So, let’s say that stuffed bell peppers in the oven can be made however you like, but here's what you should always pay attention to make them come out delicious every single time. (more…)

Rice salad, the original recipe and ideas for making it with different ingredients

rice salad quick recipe original colorful

Colorful rice salad, original and ideal for everyone, what could be better than this first course for a complete, dietetic and also appetizing meal that everyone likes? Rice salad is a classic italian summer recipe, when it's hot it's ideal to eat a cold and light first course, that's what you need! How to make rice salad? A simple recipe like this can become much tastier by assembling the ingredients rather than using any ready-made rice seasoning. The classic recipe is prepared with varied ingredients, fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, ham, and with or without pickles, however if you want a vegan or vegetarian rice salad, just eliminate from the recipe those ingredients that you don't include in your diet, we offer you some ideas. In this recipe we also want to give you ideas for changing the original recipe, so you can change the ingredients you don't like right away! (more…)

Romagna Piadina – The Original IGP Recipe from Cesena, Italy

original romagna piadina recipe

Romagna Piadina is a Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) product and is known as the best piadina in the world. The original recipe includes the addition of lard at room temperature, making it more calorie-dense than the piadina made with oil. There are two versions of the Romagna Piadina IGP recipe, and today we will be showing you the Cesena version (Cesena is a city in Emilia Romagna, Italy), with less fat. The piadina, also known as 'piada', can be used as a substitute for bread or stuffed to your liking, but it is highly recommended to try it with prosciutto crudo. (more…)

Bolognese Lasagna, the original recipe with ragù and béchamel for making lasagna

bolognese lasagna original italian recipe

The original recipe for Bolognese lasagna is a dish from traditional Emilian cuisine, specifically from the city of Bologna. This typical dish of Bolognese and Emilia Romagna gastronomy is so tasty and rich that lasagna with ragù has quickly become one of the icons of Italian food around the world. The recipe for Bolognese lasagna has numerous delicious variations such as lasagna with four cheeses or with pesto, fish or truffle. Here's how to prepare excellent Bolognese lasagna following our original recipe. (more…)

Pizza Margherita Homemade in baking tin Recipe Italian; How to Make

margherita pizza homemade pan recipe

Margherita pizza is the classic Italian pizza, made with simple ingredients like tomato, fior di latte mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil, and basil. This recipe provides step-by-step instructions for making the dough in baking tin margherita pizza, the pizza toppings and calorie count. The recipe in baking tin margherita pizza is a tradition to be passed down in Italy. If you agree, then share with others how you made homemade margherita pizza in baking tin. (more…)

Potato Gateau, the original Neapolitan recipe: here’s how to make Gattò

potato gateau original neapolitan recipe

The Potato Gateau, also known as Gattò di patate, is a casserole made with mashed boiled potatoes mixed, according to the original Neapolitan recipe, with eggs, fiordilatte cheese, parmesan cheese, salame napoli, and smoked provola. The recipe for Potato Gateau is a single dish, with calorie-dense and nutritious portions. The interior of the Gattò di patate is soft and extremely stringy, while the outside is characterized by a delicious and crispy crust, thanks to the breadcrumbs. The Neapolitan Potato Gateau is highly appreciated in all Italian regions, and everyone makes it their way, for example, you can choose different types of cold cuts instead of salame napoli, to cater to your tastes and needs, for instance, cooked ham can be used instead. Let's see how to make Potato Gateau according to the original Neapolitan recipe, and soon we will better explore lighter variations, such as the lactose-free, vegetarian, or vegan Gattò recipe. (more…)

Perfect Fish Fry, the Recipe for Crispy Mixed Fried Fish

perfect crispy fried fish recipe

How to make a good mixed fish fry? Fried fish is a second course of traditional Italian cuisine made with mixed fresh fish for frying. Which fish to use in the fish fry is just one of the key steps in this recipe, to be made in summer or winter, on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Making fish fry at home is more challenging if you don't know the tricks to execute the perfect recipe, such as: which oil and flour to use? An excellent fish fry should be crispy, light, and delicious, so here's how to cook a perfect mixed fry with calamari, anchovies, red mullet, hake, and shrimp. (more…)

Cold chickpea salad, recipe to prepare with chickpeas

cold chickpea salad recipe

The cold chickpea salad with vegetables and cheese we're talking about today is a summer recipe to prepare with chickpeas and dressing of your choice. If you have colorful ingredients such as assorted vegetables and delicate cheeses, it's the perfect time to prepare this delicious chickpea salad. The beauty of this chickpea salad is that you can vary the ingredients to your liking, and in this article, we suggest three different combinations. Let's first take a look at the chickpea recipe variation that we created, inspired by Sonia Peronaci, who took this colorful photo. (more…)

Vegan Lentil Meatloaf Recipe with vegetables baked in the oven

vegan meatloaf with lentils and vegetables light recipe

Vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven is a classic dinner option for those following a vegan diet, which means without animal-derived foods. The light recipe for the meatloaf is perfect for appetizers, vegan and low-calorie lunches or dinners, allowing you to enjoy your meal without worrying about extra calories. This baked vegan vegetable meatloaf is a light and satisfying recipe thanks to the lentils. Let's see how to prepare the vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven in its light version, following a vegan recipe. (more…)