Salmon Penne with Cream Sauce, Super Fast, Classic and Creamy Recipe

recipe for salmon penne with cream

Salmon penne with cream is a delicious Italian specialty, a seafood first course known for its creaminess. This recipe is simple and quick to prepare, and it's appreciated by everyone. The delightful taste of salmon perfectly complements the smoothness of the cream in this dish. The penne, strictly ridged and garnished with fresh parsley, are the ideal complement to this pasta. You can use either smooth or ridged penne for this recipe, without affecting the final result. Moreover, the versatility of this preparation allows for the use of both fresh and smoked salmon to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Follow the instructions, and in just over 15 minutes, you can delight your palate with salmon and cream penne, a tasty and delicate seafood dish. (more…)

Pear and ginger detox juice recipe

pear and ginger detox juice recipe

This is the recipe for a detox smoothie with great purifying and detoxifying qualities. The ingredients of today's detox smoothie are pears, ginger, lemon and cabbage. This mix of fruit, roots and vegetables is a purifying drink that we recommend drinking in the morning or after a good walk. The presence of lemon makes it suitable for breakfast, the pear with its sweetness recharges, while the cabbage nourishes and fresh ginger activates the metabolism. A pear and ginger detox smoothie is also ideal before a training session or a long summer day. Let's see how to prepare a centrifuged of this type. (more…)

Strawberry, Coconut, and Pineapple Smoothie without Milk: A Revitalizing Fruit Recipe

strawberry pineapple coconut smoothie fruit revitalizing recipe

The strawberry, coconut, and pineapple Smoothie is a revitalizing and energizing fruit recipe, excellent as a snack after a workout or a hard day at work. The recipe for this milk-free smoothie with strawberries, coconut, and pineapple has an exotic flavor perfect for summer snacking, is incredibly easy to prepare, and yields a revitalizing and nutritious fresh fruit smoothie. Fruit smoothies are an excellent alternative to the usual high-calorie snacks; in fact, although fruit is caloric, it provides many benefits to the body, revitalizing the skin and hair just as much as energy. Let's see how to make the strawberry, coconut, and pineapple Smoothie and what the benefits of these ingredients are that make the milk-free smoothie so special and recommended for healthy, quick, revitalizing, fresh, and energizing snacks. (more…)

Dried Figs: Homemade Recipe for Sun-Dried Figs

homemade sun dried figs recipe

Recipe: Homemade dried figs are a traditional treat at the end of summer, but if well preserved in vacuum-sealed jars, they can be stored in the pantry throughout the winter. The original recipe for dried figs involves drying them in direct sunlight for three days, after which they can be eaten, filled, or preserved in jars. Sun-dried figs are preferable to oven-dried figs because the temperature inside the oven must be very low, and there is still a high risk of burning them, not to mention the added cost on the electricity bill. Homemade dried figs using grandma's recipe are much more affordable and definitely tastier because the sun directly acts on the drying process of our seasonal figs. Let's see how to make homemade sun-dried figs in 3 days and what alternatives are available if there isn't enough sunlight! (more…)

Perfect Fish Fry, the Recipe for Crispy Mixed Fried Fish

perfect crispy fried fish recipe

How to make a good mixed fish fry? Fried fish is a second course of traditional Italian cuisine made with mixed fresh fish for frying. Which fish to use in the fish fry is just one of the key steps in this recipe, to be made in summer or winter, on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Making fish fry at home is more challenging if you don't know the tricks to execute the perfect recipe, such as: which oil and flour to use? An excellent fish fry should be crispy, light, and delicious, so here's how to cook a perfect mixed fry with calamari, anchovies, red mullet, hake, and shrimp. (more…)

Cold chickpea salad, recipe to prepare with chickpeas

cold chickpea salad recipe

The cold chickpea salad with vegetables and cheese we're talking about today is a summer recipe to prepare with chickpeas and dressing of your choice. If you have colorful ingredients such as assorted vegetables and delicate cheeses, it's the perfect time to prepare this delicious chickpea salad. The beauty of this chickpea salad is that you can vary the ingredients to your liking, and in this article, we suggest three different combinations. Let's first take a look at the chickpea recipe variation that we created, inspired by Sonia Peronaci, who took this colorful photo. (more…)

Lose up to 6 pounds in a few days with Dr. Migliaccio’s Gelato Diet

migliaccio ice cream diet

Dr. Migliaccio's Diet, also known as the Gelato Diet (=ice cream diet), proposes a meal plan that includes one or two gelatos as the main meal or snack, allowing for weight loss. This low-calorie diet, devised by the renowned nutritionist Pietro Migliaccio, allows you to indulge in your love for gelato during the summer season, while limiting calorie intake to 1100-1200 per day. The diverse menu of the Migliaccio Diet emphasizes increased water consumption, fructose, and fiber, promoting the intake of fruit and gelato. (more…)

Recipe for Sweet Lobster Tails with Homemade Pastry Cream

lobster tails with custard recipe

These sweet lobster tails with homemade pastry cream will leave everyone speechless with this recipe. They resemble Neapolitan sfogliatelle, but are not; the filling is more like a cream puff. The recipe for lobster tails is in high demand, and although it's a complex dessert, by following the instructions step by step, it's possible to create sweet lobster tails that are just as good and beautiful as those from the pastry shop down the street. Let's see how to make sweet lobster tails with homemade pastry cream, starting from the base dough that needs to chill in the fridge for 12 hours before it can be used to form the sweet lobster tail. The filling of the sweet lobster tail is different from the classic sfogliatelle, which is made with semolina, ricotta, and candied fruit. This homemade recipe for sweet lobster tail calls for a pastry cream filling. (more…)

Vegan Lentil Meatloaf Recipe with vegetables baked in the oven

vegan meatloaf with lentils and vegetables light recipe

Vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven is a classic dinner option for those following a vegan diet, which means without animal-derived foods. The light recipe for the meatloaf is perfect for appetizers, vegan and low-calorie lunches or dinners, allowing you to enjoy your meal without worrying about extra calories. This baked vegan vegetable meatloaf is a light and satisfying recipe thanks to the lentils. Let's see how to prepare the vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven in its light version, following a vegan recipe. (more…)

Golden Milk recipe to prepare golden milk at home in 5 minutes

golden milk recipe

Preparing Golden Milk at home in 5 minutes is simple. It starts with turmeric paste, the main spice of this ancient beneficial beverage. The Golden Milk recipe consists of a few steps, and adding a pinch of pepper enhances the properties and benefits of curcumin. It can be enjoyed in the morning with a slice of cake, but Ayurvedic philosophy recommends drinking golden milk in the evening before going to bed. To prepare this Ayurvedic and vegan drink, you need plant-based milk, turmeric, water, pepper, and a sweetener such as honey or stevia. (more…)