Stuffed bell peppers in the oven, the perfect recipe with or without meat

stuffed bell peppers in the oven recipe

Stuffed bell peppers in the oven is an Italian main course that can be prepared in many ways, but here’s how to make this recipe. To make stuffed bell peppers in the oven, it is not necessary to have certain types of ingredients. For example, they can be made with or without ground meat. A tasty variation of this recipe to try is bell peppers stuffed with vegetables, bread, and capers, some fill them with tomato rice. So, let’s say that stuffed bell peppers in the oven can be made however you like, but here's what you should always pay attention to make them come out delicious every single time. (more…)

Pasta with Robiola Cheese, Zucchini, Salami, and Crispy Zucchini Blossoms – Quick Lunch Recipe

recipe pasta with robiola cheese zucchini flowers salami

Pasta with Robiola cheese, zucchini, salami, and crispy zucchini blossoms is an ideal recipe for a quick and delicious lunch, but above all, it's simple to prepare. You need to have the right ingredients on hand and follow the recipe for pasta with Robiola cheese and zucchini to be able to serve a lunch just a minute after draining the pasta. The total preparation time for the recipe depends on the pasta shape you use; we really liked smooth candle-shaped penne, but ridged penne, fusilli, or another type can also work as long as you like it. Let's immediately see the recipe for this quick summer lunch to make pasta with Robiola cheese, zucchini, salami, and crispy zucchini blossoms. (more…)

Rice salad, the original recipe and ideas for making it with different ingredients

rice salad quick recipe original colorful

Colorful rice salad, original and ideal for everyone, what could be better than this first course for a complete, dietetic and also appetizing meal that everyone likes? Rice salad is a classic italian summer recipe, when it's hot it's ideal to eat a cold and light first course, that's what you need! How to make rice salad? A simple recipe like this can become much tastier by assembling the ingredients rather than using any ready-made rice seasoning. The classic recipe is prepared with varied ingredients, fresh vegetables, fish, seafood, ham, and with or without pickles, however if you want a vegan or vegetarian rice salad, just eliminate from the recipe those ingredients that you don't include in your diet, we offer you some ideas. In this recipe we also want to give you ideas for changing the original recipe, so you can change the ingredients you don't like right away! (more…)

Homemade Ice Cream: the Recipe for making it Without an Ice Cream Maker

homemade gelato ice cream without ice cream maker recipe

How to make ice cream without an ice cream maker? Here's the recipe for homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker, all you need is a whisk, whipping cream, condensed milk, and the flavor ingredient, and you're done! In the summer, sooner or later, the craving for a cold dessert arrives, and you try to make homemade ice cream. It's better to have the recipe ready for that moment, right? This is the basic recipe for ice cream without an ice cream maker, so by adding an ingredient of your choice, you can create the flavor of ice cream you prefer. Homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker, of course, needs to be frozen for a long time, so prepare the recipe at least 6 hours in advance. (more…)

Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili pepper: the original recipe

spaghetti garlic oil and chili pepper with parsley

Spaghetti with garlic, oil, and chili pepper is a traditional dish in Italian cuisine, and the following is the original recipe for preparing this delicious first course. The garlic, oil, and chili pepper recipe is simple and quick to prepare, and it's loved by everyone. The original ingredients are garlic, olive oil, and hot red chili pepper, and in this recipe, we've added a pinch of fresh parsley to give color to the pasta. Let's see how to make spaghetti with garlic and oil, a simple and quick recipe that pleases everyone at the table and has given rise to the Italian tradition of "midnight spaghetti." (more…)

Pizza Margherita Homemade in baking tin Recipe Italian; How to Make

margherita pizza homemade pan recipe

Margherita pizza is the classic Italian pizza, made with simple ingredients like tomato, fior di latte mozzarella, extra virgin olive oil, and basil. This recipe provides step-by-step instructions for making the dough in baking tin margherita pizza, the pizza toppings and calorie count. The recipe in baking tin margherita pizza is a tradition to be passed down in Italy. If you agree, then share with others how you made homemade margherita pizza in baking tin. (more…)

Salmon Penne with Cream Sauce, Super Fast, Classic and Creamy Recipe

recipe for salmon penne with cream

Salmon penne with cream is a delicious Italian specialty, a seafood first course known for its creaminess. This recipe is simple and quick to prepare, and it's appreciated by everyone. The delightful taste of salmon perfectly complements the smoothness of the cream in this dish. The penne, strictly ridged and garnished with fresh parsley, are the ideal complement to this pasta. You can use either smooth or ridged penne for this recipe, without affecting the final result. Moreover, the versatility of this preparation allows for the use of both fresh and smoked salmon to satisfy all tastes and preferences. Follow the instructions, and in just over 15 minutes, you can delight your palate with salmon and cream penne, a tasty and delicate seafood dish. (more…)

Pear and ginger detox juice recipe

pear and ginger detox juice recipe

This is the recipe for a detox smoothie with great purifying and detoxifying qualities. The ingredients of today's detox smoothie are pears, ginger, lemon and cabbage. This mix of fruit, roots and vegetables is a purifying drink that we recommend drinking in the morning or after a good walk. The presence of lemon makes it suitable for breakfast, the pear with its sweetness recharges, while the cabbage nourishes and fresh ginger activates the metabolism. A pear and ginger detox smoothie is also ideal before a training session or a long summer day. Let's see how to prepare a centrifuged of this type. (more…)

Perfect Fish Fry, the Recipe for Crispy Mixed Fried Fish

perfect crispy fried fish recipe

How to make a good mixed fish fry? Fried fish is a second course of traditional Italian cuisine made with mixed fresh fish for frying. Which fish to use in the fish fry is just one of the key steps in this recipe, to be made in summer or winter, on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve. Making fish fry at home is more challenging if you don't know the tricks to execute the perfect recipe, such as: which oil and flour to use? An excellent fish fry should be crispy, light, and delicious, so here's how to cook a perfect mixed fry with calamari, anchovies, red mullet, hake, and shrimp. (more…)

Cold chickpea salad, recipe to prepare with chickpeas

cold chickpea salad recipe

The cold chickpea salad with vegetables and cheese we're talking about today is a summer recipe to prepare with chickpeas and dressing of your choice. If you have colorful ingredients such as assorted vegetables and delicate cheeses, it's the perfect time to prepare this delicious chickpea salad. The beauty of this chickpea salad is that you can vary the ingredients to your liking, and in this article, we suggest three different combinations. Let's first take a look at the chickpea recipe variation that we created, inspired by Sonia Peronaci, who took this colorful photo. (more…)