Vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven is a classic dinner option for those following a vegan diet, which means without animal-derived foods. The light recipe for the meatloaf is perfect for appetizers, vegan and low-calorie lunches or dinners, allowing you to enjoy your meal without worrying about extra calories. This baked vegan vegetable meatloaf is a light and satisfying recipe thanks to the lentils. Let’s see how to prepare the vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf baked in the oven in its light version, following a vegan recipe.

vegan meatloaf with lentils and vegetables light recipe
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Today’s light recipe takes inspiration from this wonderful lentil and vegetable meatloaf you see in the picture. Cooking experts suggest a light and suitable variation of the classic meatloaf. Made with legumes and vegetables, the meatloaf becomes an ally for those following a vegan or low-calorie diet.

Lentil Meatloaf, the light and vegan recipe

The lentil, carrot, potato, and zucchini meatloaf is flavorful and light, providing a proud sense of satiety without weighing down your intestines. To load up on proteins and vitamins, it’s an ideal main course. Even children will enjoy trying the vegan lentil meatloaf because they will hardly notice they are eating exclusively products from the garden.

It’s not just about taste but also well-being. This meatloaf won’t leave you with that heavy feeling that often follows a rich meal. On the contrary, you’ll feel full and light, ready to tackle any challenges the day has in store for you. But the real surprise lies in its nutritional richness. Lentils are an incredible source of plant-based proteins, while carrots, potatoes, and zucchinis bring essential vitamins to the table. This dish is a true health powerhouse.

And what’s better? Even the little ones at home will adore this vegan meatloaf, and you can smile knowing they are enjoying a meal made exclusively from the garden’s produce, a little secret that might turn them into vegan cuisine lovers from a young age.

In short, this lentil and vegetable vegan meatloaf is much more than just a dish. It’s a culinary experience that will satisfy your palate, pamper your body, and bring joy to the whole family. Get ready for a taste journey you won’t soon forget!

The lentil vegan meatloaf is also an excellent option for those following a high-protein vegan diet, which is primarily based on the consumption of protein-rich foods. This dietary regimen is often adopted by athletes and sports enthusiasts, both amateur and professional. Thanks to the presence of lentils, rich in plant-based proteins, this meatloaf is perfectly in line with this dietary philosophy.

Vegan Lentil Meatloaf

A vegan meatloaf is prepared using only garden products, while a vegetarian meatloaf allows for the use of cheese and eggs in the filling.

Before proceeding with the lentil meatloaf recipe, it’s important to highlight the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian recipe. While the vegan meatloaf is prepared using exclusively plant-based ingredients and is a vegan recipe, the vegetarian meatloaf allows for the use of cheese and eggs in the filling. So, if you’re looking for a dish completely free from animal derivatives, the vegan meatloaf is the right choice for you.

In the search for healthy and environmentally friendly culinary options, the lentil and vegetable vegan meatloaf emerges as a delicious and nourishing choice. This light recipe embodies the perfect balance between taste and well-being, offering a vegan alternative to the classic meatloaf. Lentils, rich in protein and fiber, form a solid base for this preparation, while a variety of fresh and colorful vegetables adds a dose of vitality to the dish. The art of making a successful vegan meatloaf lies in skillfully balancing the ingredients and spices, creating a dish that satisfies the palate and contributes to a healthy lifestyle. Let’s discover together how to prepare this delicious vegan meatloaf, ideal for those seeking a nutritious and tasty option without compromising their commitment to vegan cooking.

Light Recipe: Vegan Lentil and Vegetable Meatloaf

Here’s the light recipe for vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf for healthy and well-being-oriented lunches and dinners. Vegan meatloaf is a delightful alternative to classic meat-based recipes, perfect for those who want to enjoy flavorful and nutritious dishes without compromising their diet. In this light recipe, we will guide you through the preparation of an irresistible meatloaf based on lentils and vegetables, which will not only satisfy your palate but also serve as an excellent source of plant-based proteins and fiber. Let’s discover together how to make this vegan dish, tasty and healthy, perfect for a light dinner or a flavorful lunch!

Vegan Lentil Meatloaf with Vegetables

A vegan twist on the classic meatloaf, made only with non-animal ingredients, this is a light and highly protein-packed main course.
Course Main Course
Cuisine Italian, Vegan
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 15 minutes
Doses for 4 servings
Calorie per porzione132kcal
Cost Low

Other details

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 200 g Dry Lentils (7 oz)
  • 1 Zucchini
  • 1 Potato
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Large Onion
  • 1 bunch of Chives
  • some Basil leaves
  • 2 tbsp of Soy sauce
  • 3 tbsp of Breadcrumbs
  • some Salt
  • some Pepper
  • 4 tbsp of Extra virgin olive oil
  • some Diced Celery
  • 1 clove of Garlic


How to Make a Vegan Meatloaf with Lentils and Vegetables

  • To prepare the light vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf recipe, start by cooking the lentils in half a liter of slightly salted water. Cook over medium heat, leaving the lentils slightly al dente. They are ready after they have doubled in volume and absorbed all the cooking water.
  • In another pot, boil the potatoes, diced for faster cooking. Meanwhile, take a large cutting board and dice the zucchini, onion, celery, and carrot.
  • Heat a pan over high heat, add a little oil, reduce the heat to medium, immediately add a clove of garlic split in half without peel and the diced vegetables. Sauté briefly, season with salt and pepper. Drain the boiled potato and mash it until it becomes a puree, then add it to the sautéed vegetables in the pan.
  • At this point, the lentils will also be cooked, so we can blend them with an immersion blender without overdoing it to avoid turning them into a puree.
  • Chop basil and chives and add these herbs to the pan with the vegetables, also adding the lentils while making sure to remove the garlic.
  • To adjust the consistency, you can use breadcrumbs. Since all the ingredients are almost cooked, you can taste and adjust the salt and pepper.

Bake the Vegan Meatloaf

  • For baking the vegan lentil and vegetable meatloaf, lay a sheet of parchment paper with breadcrumbs on top. Add our meatloaf mixture, trying to give it the shape of a cylindrical prism.
  • At this point, we can roll the vegan lentil meatloaf so that the breadcrumbs stick all around. This will help give it the desired shape.
  • Line a loaf pan with parchment paper and grease it, then insert the meatloaf. Press it into shape. Drizzle with another round of oil, not too generous but enough, and into the oven.
  • Bake the lentil and vegetable meatloaf for about 25 minutes in a preheated oven at 170°C (340°F). Our meatloaf is ready!

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