The watermelon, lemon, and mint Juice is a refreshing and anticellulite summer recipe to combat the heat, cellulite, and excess weight. The recipe is quick and easy to prepare, using fresh and organic fruits, resulting in a detoxifying and antioxidant beverage. Fruit juices are the best alternative to have a healthy and quick snack, alone or with friends, as they aid in weight loss and, with the watermelon, are even anticellulite. Let’s see how to make the watermelon, lemon, and mint Juice and the benefits of the ingredients that make these juices special and essential for refreshing and detoxifying summer snacks.

centrifuged watermelon lemon and mint anti cellulite refreshing
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Benefits of the Anticellulite watermelon, lemon, and mint Juice

The anticellulite juice made with watermelon, lemon, and mint is a healthy beverage that is ideal for quenching thirst in summer thanks to the draining, refreshing, and slimming properties of the recipe.

To prepare every anticellulite juice, a simple recipe is followed with extremely fresh, just-picked fruits. The watermelon, lemon, and mint combine in this fresh and draining summer juice. Let’s see the benefits of watermelon, lemon, and mint in detail, considering each ingredient one by one.

Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is rich in beneficial properties for health. The main reason why it makes our juice an anticellulite drink is that watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps to counteract water retention, cellulite, and the typical “orange peel” effect. Composed of 90% water, watermelon also has a strong draining effect, aimed at eliminating all impurities encountered in our body. This is why eating watermelon improves skin quality, aids digestion, and improves cholesterol and blood pressure levels, reducing the cardiovascular risk. Watermelon provides 30 kcal per 3.5 oz and is rich in vitamin C, A, potassium, magnesium, and beta-carotene. If during the summer, you suddenly feel short of energy and exhausted from the heat, a slice of watermelon will have the effect of a glass of water and sugar, plus the benefits of the aforementioned vitamins and minerals.

Benefits of Lemon

Without lemon juice, the watermelon juice would not make sense. Lemon juice has a powerful antioxidant property that strengthens that of watermelon. Moreover, lemon helps the body produce collagen, stimulates liver and intestinal function, aiding digestion. Another benefit of lemon juice is that, precisely because it stimulates collagen production, it helps to have a healthier appearance and obtain a discreet anti-aging effect. Perhaps it goes without saying, but for those who are not aware, drinking lemon juice provides a substantial dose of vitamin C (3.5 oz provide more than 100% of the daily dose), and it also helps in the absorption of iron, ideal for those who are deficient. Lemon also has beneficial effects on blood pressure, while some US researchers attribute to it the ability to support the elimination of kidney stones.

Benefits of Mint

Two mint leaves added to the Watermelon and Lemon juice can make a difference. The mint has benefits for digestion, is antiseptic, and is the number one refreshing ingredient in the world. For starters, menthol contained in mint combats bad breath, stomach problems, and aids digestion. When rubbed on the teeth, mint can whiten them, just like some types of chewing gum promise. Menthol also has other benefits, making it useful against nausea and vomiting. Extremely useful in various areas, mint is a valuable ally for health. Always add a couple of leaves to your refreshing drink to give it that extra touch and take advantage of the hidden benefits of its menthol leaves.

Anticellulite Recipe for Watermelon, Lemon, and Mint Juice

Here is the anticellulite recipe to make Watermelon, Lemon, and Mint Juice, an excellent summer recipe when these fruits and mint are in season. Follow the recipe for the watermelon juice for a draining, antioxidant, anticellulite, slimming, and refreshing effect!

Watermelon, Lemon and Mint Juice

Watermelon, Lemon and Mint Juice, this summer detox recipe has health benefits and draining, slimming and refreshing properties.
Course Juice, Smoothie
Cuisine Healthy, Vegan
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Doses for 2 juices
Calorie per porzione86kcal
Cost Low

Other details

  • Difficulty: Easy


  • 2 Watermelon slices
  • 1 ½ Lemon juice
  • to taste Fresh mint leaves


How to prepare Watermelon, Lemon and Mint Juice

  • Let's prepare the draining and refreshing juice by opening a watermelon, cutting it in half and then slicing one half, leaving the rest. We will use one slice of watermelon per juice. Remove the watermelon peel and the white part, so we will only juice the sweet and red part of the fruit.
  • Remove the seeds from each slice and cut it into cubes to put in the juicer. After juicing the watermelon, squeeze one and a half (preferably organic and well hydrated) lemon. Filter the juice and add it to the watermelon juice. Wash the fresh mint leaves (preferably just picked) and add a couple to each watermelon juice.


Balance the acidity of the juice according to your taste and needs: add more watermelon if you prefer a sweeter taste or add an extra teaspoon of lemon juice if you like a drink with more acidity. Avoid using sugar to not spoil the benefits that this drink can give in its most genuine and natural form. Do not throw away the lemon peel, you can grate it and use it to make a plumcake, season a cream, or it can be useful to let it dry to use it later for a dessert or to compose scented sachets for the closet.


Juices cannot be conservated, they must be drank immediately because the longer it takes the more the ingredients oxidize: prepare the watermelon, lemon and mint juice only as needed.

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